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WinCustomize has a New Rainmeter Gallery

Release announcements and important news from the developers.
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Re: WinCustomize has a New Rainmeter Gallery

Post by karmat »

People who are currently into RM will always be part of the Forums as regularly as they always are. And for new people, if they get the bug once they try it out the first time, they are going to want to check out all sites that have anything to do with RM. And if they are going to be creating RM skins one day, they'll be here soaking up all the info and ideas they can get.

I think I got my first skin from, it didn't take me long to find RM on dA, then when I discovered this Forum, I was hooked - here were the developers of this most awesome program that for me was an answer to my dreams. Not being able to design what was in my brain with photoshop or having to beg a skinner to make something for me - I had found a program that would change my desktop dramatically to whatever I wanted!

I know I'm not alone in my website visiting, but every day I visit my fave three - here, dA and WC and about 20 others.

You don't give up one just because you have found another, you add it to your collection!

Re: WinCustomize has a New Rainmeter Gallery

Post by sgtevmckay »

Indeed...well said :thumbup:
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Re: WinCustomize has a New Rainmeter Gallery

Post by karmat »

Island Dog's posting at WC today...