Some updates and fixes.
1)Updated Notedpad++ header files. Looking through code, changes are mainly cosmetics.
2)Fixed RainLexer.sln, it had wrong EOL (lf instead of crlf). Updated it to VS2019 (Visual Studio Version 16).
3)Change RainLexer.vcxproj
ToolsVersion="16.0" to
4)Change RainLexer.vcxproj.filter
ToolsVersion="16.0" to
*.vcxproj.filter files are used only by IDE and not msbuild so I changed to it default value
(same value is generated even in latest Visual Studio 2019).
These changes are mainly cosmetics.
RainLexer updates
File Removed
I noticed that people are dowloading my version with number highlight, so I have updated it.
It is based on 2.6.0 version with updates described above.
zip file contains only relevant source code (get missing files from
official version),
modified RainLexer.xml and pre-built DLL.
File Removed
Rainmeter source code also has same issue with project files.
Here is zip file with modified project files based on documention and VS2019 generated project files.
File Removed