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Displaying Tips

Posted: July 8th, 2010, 4:09 pm
by Raikuga
Is there a way to display a tip so that when I hold my mouse over a skin after some seconds, it will display a tip with whatever string meter I want it to?

Re: Displaying Tips

Posted: July 8th, 2010, 4:22 pm
by jsmorley
Certainly nothing built-in and easy like ToolTip= on a meter, although that is an interesting idea that might not be that hard to implement.

There is an addon called RainTip that you can find if you search the forums, that will do the job, but it isn't perfect.

There is also the possibility to use MouseOverAction and MouseLeaveAction to hide/unhide a small meter with the text you want, but getting it to have the timing attributes of a tooltip (not pop until you have hovered for x seconds, and go away after x seconds even if you don't move off of it) would be tricky at best in pure Rainmeter code. If you can live with it popping up as soon as you mouse over, and not go away until you mouse leave, it really wouldn't be all difficult to do it this way, but I personally would hate that effect.

For the moment, RainTip might be your best bet.