Since this is related to the same skin I've been asking questions about i'll keep it here, but I can make a new post if needed.
I have a bit of an issue right now using relative positioning:
-I have a bunch of image meters all of the same dimension and they are position in the X axis with:
-After those meters I also have a bunch of 'text' meters that represent an icon each (using Segoe Fluent Icons). They are all using the same icon and they are position in the X axis with this:
X=(150-[MoveVis:W])R ; (150 is the length of one image and MoveVis is a dummy meter replicating the text meters icon and positioned in between both set of meters)
-Both sets of meters are linked together by a group each. (first image meter is linked to first text meter and so on)
-This work as I expected and align everything like it need it to.
What I'm trying to do:
When I click on one of the icon, it should hide the corresponding MeterGroup and, in theory, make everything line up, but that's not the case.
The icon meters that comes after the one that's been hidden are not repositioned like I'd hoped. The images are tho.
for example, say there's 4 meters for each set and I hide the third of each set.
My understand of this:
If the value is appended with R, the position is relative to the bottom/right edge of the previous meter
was that Image 4 would get pushed back 150 pixel ( basically just aligning itself with the previous visible image ) and the 4th text meter would also be pushed back 150 pixel, aligning itself with the previous visible meter ( essentially just replacing the 3rd one ). But what SEEMS to happen is that the 4th one is only pushed back the equivalent of [MoveVis:W].
also worth nothing that:
-all the subsequent meters after the 'problematic' one would have the proper spacing of "(150-[MoveVis:W])R"..
-I'm aware I could have each icon meter position relatively to their corresponding image meter by placing them one after the other, but the meters arrangement I'm currently using is needed in other part of my skin..
I don't know if that's gonna be useful, but I made a test skin to showcase my issue:
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