I think you are talking about the MyPortfolioValue skin. ( https://www.deviantart.com/mordasius/art/MyPortfolio-Rainmeter-skin-887967381 ). I've just downloaded it from DA, made NumberOfStocks=4, refreshed the skin (middle-mouse click anywhere on the skin) and here is a screenshot of what I get.
I'm at a bit of a loss for what to suggest. My first choice would have been to suggest you delete the MyPortfolioValue folder [...\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\MyPortfolioValue] and try another installation. But you've already done that.
Could you try deleting the folder, re-installing the skin, setting NumberOfStocks=4 and refreshing the skin one more time and then post a screenshot of the Rainmeter Log ( Right-Clight on the Rainmeter Icon in your sys tray -> About -> Log ). Maybe that will give us a clue as to what is going on.
P.S. Make a backup of MyStockCodes.inc and put it in another folder so that you can just copy-paste all your stock codes and prices when we've got the skin working with the default values.