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RainShot v1.0.2 - Area based screenshot application, with lots of controls, and multiple easily customizeable presets.

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RainShot v1.0.2 - Area based screenshot application, with lots of controls, and multiple easily customizeable presets.

Post by _3D_ »

Build v1.0.2.rar
License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike
Author: _3D_

A screen capture tool with multiple, easy to use movement controls. Offering a good amount of customization
by deriving alot of its settings from an INI file, and in built command line support.


Wallpaper Credit: Hypnoshot on DeviantArt.
  • Useage
Launch the app, place the window and press enter.
  • Installation
Place the RainShot_x64 or _x32.exe along with the Settings.INI in a folder of your choice, and run from there, follow instructions below on how to use.

: You must first edit the SaveFilePath= value under the [Settings] section in Settings.INI and add the FULL path to where you want the files to be saved.

E.g. SaveFilePath=C:\Users\_3D_\Desktop (Or it wont do anything).

You can move the RainShot window by dragging it with the mouse, and resize it from the edges like a normal
window. Alternatively use the following keys for fine control:-

  • Basic Controls
See also: 'Command Line Options' section below.

[F1] ....... - Help - Display some of this info in a popup, also a good way to peek at saved presets.

[Enter] .... - Save the current window area to file & exit.

[F] ........ - Save a normal FullScreen screenshot to the file & exit.

[Escape] ... - Exit without changes.

  • Window position controls

[R] ........ - Reset - Moves the window close to the top left of the screen, and sets it to a sensible size.

[0] ........ - (Zero) Move the window to top left corner (X=0 Y=0)

[C] ........ - Move the window to the absolute center of the screen.

(See also, presets below)

  • Window Movement Controls
Arrow Keys:-
These can be used to nudge the window for fine control and are set as follows:

[Arrow Key Left, Right, Up, or Down] ................... - Move the window 1px in the given direction.
[Control] + Arrow Keys Left, Right, Up, or Down] ..... - Move the window 10px in the given direction.

Note: The default 1px and 10px values used above can be changed via the Settings.INI
  • Window Size Controls
[+] & [-] Keys:-

These can be used to grow and shrink the window size and are set as follows:

[+] Key ................... - Grow window by 1px
[Control] & [+] Keys ... - Grow window by 10px

[-] Key ................... - Shrink window by 1px
[Control]& [-] Keys .... - Shrink window by 10px

Note: The default 1px and 10px values used above can also be changed via the Settings.INI
  • Presets
[Control] + Keys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

These can be used to resize the window to any of 10 preset sizes.

The default window size presets are set as follows:


1. 320x240 .......... 4:3
2. 640x480 .......... 4:3
3. 1024x768 ......... 4:3
4. 1280x720 ......... 16:9
5. 1920x1080 ........ 16:9
6. 32x32 .............. 1:1
7. 64x64 .............. 1:1
8. 100x100 ........... 1:1
9. 256x256 ........... 1:1
0. 512x512 ........... 1:1

E.g. For a small 32x32 icon size window press: [Control + 6], then press [Enter] to save the file.

Note: The preset sizes are also derived from the Settings.INI and can be set there.
The file will be saved as .PNG (default) to the location you set in the INI, where you can also
have the file saved as BMP, GIF, JPEG, or TIF by changing the relevant key.

The file name is a timestamp and is formatted as follows: "Hour_Min_Second.Extension" E.g. "02_32_09.jpg"

The RainShot window will remember its last position when it saves the image file and closes.

Please see the Settings.INI for for further customization options.

  • Command Line Options
The command line can be used to grab a screen area without invoking the GUI.
The parameters are set as follows:

"Path\FileName.Ext" X Y Width Height [-q]


C:\MyApps\RainShot\_x64>Rainshot_x64.exe "C:\My Project\Images\ScreenShot.png" 100 100 800 600

Image file types BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG and TIF are valid and will be save accordingly.

Note: Paths and filenames with spaces must be enclosed with " ".

You can use the optional -q at the end to disable the screen animation.
RainShot only reads and saves information to the Settings.INI file, anyone unsure about the exe files can just recompile them from the included .au3 source files. Always check any downloaded code before running it. Alterations and improvements encouraged.

Made as a solution for my work-in-progress RainTask skin.
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Last edited by _3D_ on August 27th, 2020, 7:30 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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RainShot - ChangeLog

Post by _3D_ »

  • Change log:


- Added support for command line options.
RainShot can now be invoked without also invoking the GUI.

- Key binds are no longer locked when the RainShot window is not active.

- Width and Height are no longer shown the wrong way around.

- Changed high dpi awareness to a more robust, albeit still flaky method.

- Code cleanup and further optimizations.


- Added a floating info window with real-time window position and size information.
(X & Y values are relative to the screen size.)

- The mouse cursor is no longer being caught during the capture.

- Redesigned the icon file to be more appropriate to the apps name.

- Added visual animations for load, area grab and exit.

- Cleaned up and fixed some of the code to be more efficient.


- Initial release.
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