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Change to !EditSkin bang

Posted: November 18th, 2019, 10:59 pm
by jsmorley
User Yamajac has provided the code to change how the !EditSkin bang works a bit. Thanks a ton!

Change !EditSkin so it can be passed a "config" without a .ini "file", and it will edit the currently running skin in the defined config.


[!EditSkin] : Edits the .ini file for the currently running skin the bang is in
[!EditSkin "ConfigName"] : Edits the .ini file for the currently running skin in the defined config
[!EdiitSkin "ConfigName" "FileName.ini"] : Edits the explicitly defined .ini file, running or not

Original discussion:

Re: Change to !EditSkin bang

Posted: November 19th, 2019, 2:36 pm
by jsmorley
The revision r3338 beta of Rainmeter corrects a small bug in the !EditSkin bang that would not allow it to support a config name of one-character.