I mentioned you could not fill certain areas due to how the vectors are defined. This is related to other discussions here concerning attributes for combined shapes. Combined shapes will only have the attributes of the first shape in the combined shapes.
In order to "color" certain areas of this shape, it is necessary to NOT combine shapes, but to leave them as separate shapes with their own attributes. This may not be possible with some defined shapes, but for the one you inquired about, it can be done.
Here is a demo skin that shows the combined shapes at the top.
You can only control Shape4's attributes since it is the first combined shape; changed the combined shapes' fill color to red.
The lower shape removes the combine definition (Shape7) which allows unique attributes for the individual shapes (Shape4, Shape5, and Shape6); now you can fill each of those shapes with unique colors.
Code: Select all
Shape = Path Path1 | fill color 255,255,255 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape2 = Path Path2 | fill color 255,255,255 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape3 = Path Path3 | fill color 255,255,255 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape4 = Path Path4 | fill color 255,55,55 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape5 = Path Path5 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape6 = Path Path6 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape7 = Combine Shape4 | XOR Shape5 | XOR Shape6
Path1 = 13.653, 14.881 | CurveTo 13.265, 14.697, 13.508, 14.881, 13.364, 14.818 | CurveTo 13.337, 13.994, 13.091, 14.483, 13.123, 14.168 | CurveTo 15, 10.501, 14.394, 13.135, 15, 11.861 | CurveTo 13.338, 7.008, 15, 9.141, 14.394, 7.868 | CurveTo 13.266, 6.305, 13.124, 6.834, 13.091, 6.519 | CurveTo 13.969, 6.233, 13.441, 6.091, 13.755, 6.058 | CurveTo 16, 10.502, 15.26, 7.283, 16, 8.839 | CurveTo 13.969, 14.771, 16, 12.165, 15.26, 13.72 | CurveTo 13.654, 14.883, 13.876, 14.846, 13.765, 14.883 | ClosePath 1
Path2 = 15.545, 17.209 | CurveTo 15.157, 17.025, 15.4, 17.209, 15.256, 17.146 | CurveTo 15.229, 16.322, 14.983, 16.811, 15.015, 16.496 | CurveTo 18, 10.501, 16.99, 14.89, 18, 12.768 | CurveTo 15.229, 4.68, 18, 8.234, 16.99, 6.112 | CurveTo 15.157, 3.977, 15.015, 4.506, 14.982, 4.191 | CurveTo 15.86, 3.905, 15.332, 3.763, 15.646, 3.73 | CurveTo 19, 10.502, 17.855, 5.528, 19, 7.933 | CurveTo 15.86, 17.099, 19, 13.071, 17.856, 15.476 | CurveTo 15.545, 17.211, 15.767, 17.174, 15.656, 17.211 | ClosePath 1
Path3 = 11.762, 12.552 | CurveTo 11.374, 12.368, 11.617, 12.552, 11.473, 12.489 | CurveTo 11.446, 11.665, 11.2, 12.154, 11.232, 11.839 | CurveTo 12, 10.501, 11.798, 11.378, 12, 10.954 | CurveTo 11.446, 9.337, 12, 10.048, 11.798, 9.623 | CurveTo 11.374, 8.634, 11.232, 9.163, 11.199, 8.848 | CurveTo 12.077, 8.562, 11.549, 8.42, 11.863, 8.387 | CurveTo 13, 10.502, 12.664, 9.039, 13, 9.746 | CurveTo 12.077, 12.442, 13, 11.258, 12.663, 11.965 | CurveTo 11.762, 12.554, 11.984, 12.517, 11.873, 12.554 | ClosePath 1
Path4 = 8.15, 3.207 | CurveTo 7.414, 3.516, 7.903, 3.207, 7.656, 3.311 | LineTo 3.316, 6.999 | LineTo 1.5, 6.999 | CurveTo 6.6613381477509e-16, 8.499, 0.673, 6.999, 6.6613381477509e-16, 7.672 | LineTo 6.6613381477509e-16, 12.499 | CurveTo 1.5, 13.999, 6.6613381477509e-16, 13.326, 0.673, 13.999 | LineTo 3.316, 13.999 | LineTo 7.414, 17.482 | CurveTo 8.15, 17.791, 7.655, 17.687, 7.903, 17.791 | CurveTo 8.15, 17.791, 8.15, 17.791, 8.15, 17.791 | CurveTo 8.82, 17.429, 8.422, 17.791, 8.666, 17.659 | CurveTo 9, 16.749, 8.939, 17.25, 9, 17.021 | LineTo 9, 4.249 | CurveTo 8.15, 3.206, 9, 3.529, 8.573, 3.206 | ClosePath 1
Path5 = 1, 12.5 | LineTo 1, 8.5 | CurveTo 1.5, 8, 1, 8.224, 1.224, 8 | LineTo 3, 8 | LineTo 3, 13 | LineTo 1.5, 13 | CurveTo 1, 12.5, 1.224, 13, 1, 12.776 | ClosePath 1
Path6 = 8, 16.669 | LineTo 4, 13.269 | LineTo 4, 7.731 | LineTo 8, 4.331 | LineTo 8, 16.669 | ClosePath 1
Shape = Path Path1 | fill color 255,255,255 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape2 = Path Path2 | fill color 255,255,255 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape3 = Path Path3 | fill color 255,255,255 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape4 = Path Path4 | fill color 0,0,0 | StrokeWidth 0
Shape5 = Path Path5 | StrokeWidth 0 | fill color 255,255,55
Shape6 = Path Path6 | StrokeWidth 0 | fill color 55,255,55
;Shape7 = Combine Shape4 | XOR Shape5 | XOR Shape6
Path1 = 13.653, 14.881 | CurveTo 13.265, 14.697, 13.508, 14.881, 13.364, 14.818 | CurveTo 13.337, 13.994, 13.091, 14.483, 13.123, 14.168 | CurveTo 15, 10.501, 14.394, 13.135, 15, 11.861 | CurveTo 13.338, 7.008, 15, 9.141, 14.394, 7.868 | CurveTo 13.266, 6.305, 13.124, 6.834, 13.091, 6.519 | CurveTo 13.969, 6.233, 13.441, 6.091, 13.755, 6.058 | CurveTo 16, 10.502, 15.26, 7.283, 16, 8.839 | CurveTo 13.969, 14.771, 16, 12.165, 15.26, 13.72 | CurveTo 13.654, 14.883, 13.876, 14.846, 13.765, 14.883 | ClosePath 1
Path2 = 15.545, 17.209 | CurveTo 15.157, 17.025, 15.4, 17.209, 15.256, 17.146 | CurveTo 15.229, 16.322, 14.983, 16.811, 15.015, 16.496 | CurveTo 18, 10.501, 16.99, 14.89, 18, 12.768 | CurveTo 15.229, 4.68, 18, 8.234, 16.99, 6.112 | CurveTo 15.157, 3.977, 15.015, 4.506, 14.982, 4.191 | CurveTo 15.86, 3.905, 15.332, 3.763, 15.646, 3.73 | CurveTo 19, 10.502, 17.855, 5.528, 19, 7.933 | CurveTo 15.86, 17.099, 19, 13.071, 17.856, 15.476 | CurveTo 15.545, 17.211, 15.767, 17.174, 15.656, 17.211 | ClosePath 1
Path3 = 11.762, 12.552 | CurveTo 11.374, 12.368, 11.617, 12.552, 11.473, 12.489 | CurveTo 11.446, 11.665, 11.2, 12.154, 11.232, 11.839 | CurveTo 12, 10.501, 11.798, 11.378, 12, 10.954 | CurveTo 11.446, 9.337, 12, 10.048, 11.798, 9.623 | CurveTo 11.374, 8.634, 11.232, 9.163, 11.199, 8.848 | CurveTo 12.077, 8.562, 11.549, 8.42, 11.863, 8.387 | CurveTo 13, 10.502, 12.664, 9.039, 13, 9.746 | CurveTo 12.077, 12.442, 13, 11.258, 12.663, 11.965 | CurveTo 11.762, 12.554, 11.984, 12.517, 11.873, 12.554 | ClosePath 1
Path4 = 8.15, 3.207 | CurveTo 7.414, 3.516, 7.903, 3.207, 7.656, 3.311 | LineTo 3.316, 6.999 | LineTo 1.5, 6.999 | CurveTo 6.6613381477509e-16, 8.499, 0.673, 6.999, 6.6613381477509e-16, 7.672 | LineTo 6.6613381477509e-16, 12.499 | CurveTo 1.5, 13.999, 6.6613381477509e-16, 13.326, 0.673, 13.999 | LineTo 3.316, 13.999 | LineTo 7.414, 17.482 | CurveTo 8.15, 17.791, 7.655, 17.687, 7.903, 17.791 | CurveTo 8.15, 17.791, 8.15, 17.791, 8.15, 17.791 | CurveTo 8.82, 17.429, 8.422, 17.791, 8.666, 17.659 | CurveTo 9, 16.749, 8.939, 17.25, 9, 17.021 | LineTo 9, 4.249 | CurveTo 8.15, 3.206, 9, 3.529, 8.573, 3.206 | ClosePath 1
Path5 = 1, 12.5 | LineTo 1, 8.5 | CurveTo 1.5, 8, 1, 8.224, 1.224, 8 | LineTo 3, 8 | LineTo 3, 13 | LineTo 1.5, 13 | CurveTo 1, 12.5, 1.224, 13, 1, 12.776 | ClosePath 1
Path6 = 8, 16.669 | LineTo 4, 13.269 | LineTo 4, 7.731 | LineTo 8, 4.331 | LineTo 8, 16.669 | ClosePath 1
By not combining the shape definitions in this shape meter, it is possible to color each shape definition uniquely. As mentioned, once you combine shape definitions, you create a single new shape definition which can only have the attributes of the first one defined.
Hope this help you achieve your desired effect.