It is currently July 27th, 2024, 9:14 am

"hide screens" skin

Skins that monitor system information
Posts: 8
Joined: March 10th, 2019, 11:26 pm

Re: "hide screens" skin

Post by zin »

Thanks! Works as advertised, and what I was striving for.
I did this as a learning experience, I use about a dozen skins, mostly hacked Illustro tools (clock, system, network, launcher), and hadn't written from scratch a skin that had a calc, measure, set variable, or bangs, so I had alot to learn, this one vehicle got me over that hump, with alot of help from online docs, and help on this forum when all else failed!

Thanks again, I will have to study the changes and digest, meanwhile back to the workweek! (database reporting w/ sql/ksh/perl/vba), I wish I had more time to get back into c++ and OpenGL more too, starfields await!