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Newbie here

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Newbie here

Post by bleufar »

Hi, I just discovered the Rainmeter. I totally newbie about coding and everything and what I can say zero knowledge about coding stuff. I play around a few skin and some ideas come pop up into my mind if I could design my own skins.

The most important thing, I don't even know anything about code stuff like I said, will it takes so many weeks just to learn the code? or the rainmeter itself come with free and easy or plug and play stuff like that. I do not think so.

I am very sorry to ask very newbie stuff and I should learn or watch the basic tutorial first. Anyone can share from the perspective of newbie experience, I mean like you have zero knowledge maybe kind of hard to learn how to make animation with the code and whatsoever.

I have dual monitor, if anyone have cool stuff about the dual monitor skin should suggest me here. I am thinking some animation stuff that can move from one monitor to another like smooth ones. I am not digging into skins collection on devianart yet or what so ever but the skin i have found right now only good for 1 monitor.
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Re: Newbie here

Post by balala »

Welcome aboard, bleufar.
This forum is a very good place where you can start learn coding. Feel free to start your own projects and work with them. If you indeed are a complete newbie, you have to follow a long journey, but don't worry: anytime you have questions related to Rainmeter or your codes, you can come and ask. Usually you'll get answers.
bleufar wrote:or the rainmeter itself come with free and easy or plug and play stuff like that. I do not think so.
No, it doesn't. At least for now you have to write manually your own codes.
bleufar wrote:Anyone can share from the perspective of newbie experience, I mean like you have zero knowledge maybe kind of hard to learn how to make animation with the code and whatsoever.
The best place to start is the Help:
and especially:
As I said, feel free to ask, anytime you have questions.
bleufar wrote:I have dual monitor, if anyone have cool stuff about the dual monitor skin should suggest me here. I am thinking some animation stuff that can move from one monitor to another like smooth ones. I am not digging into skins collection on devianart yet or what so ever but the skin i have found right now only good for 1 monitor.
Start lighter. Don't run ahead, make smaller steps at the beginning and start with simple skins: clocks, for example.
Posts: 2
Joined: August 25th, 2018, 9:42 pm

Re: Newbie here

Post by bleufar »

Thank you very much Balala. You provide me the most complete guide for making the rainmeter skin. I think a guy with zero knowledge like me need to get my hand dirty. There is not shortcut like some design software, drop and drag.

By the way i am looking forward to see any nice design relate to dual monitor, just want to customize my desktop screen. I mean something like all in one suite.

Thanks again