I wanted to make a list of all the active skins using this plugin, I eventually got it, but I had 2 problems.
On a skin with Update=1000, when you have Type=Count, the range is 0.0-1.0 on the first update, it fixes itself next update
Type=Count and executing function Initialize() print(SKIN:GetMeasure('ConfigActive'):GetValue()) end returns 0, I imagine it's related to the problem above
I overcame both problems with a simple trick, dynamic new section variables
function Initialize()
local Nr=SELF:GetOption("NrOfLoadedSkins")
local file = io.open(SKIN:MakePathAbsolute(SELF:GetOption("IncFile")), "w")
for i = 1, nr do
table.insert(t, "[Config"..i.."]")
table.insert(t, "Type=Config")
table.insert(t, "Index="..i)
--blah blah same thing for Skin
file:write(table.concat(t, "\n"))
Works like a charm *chef's kiss noise*
Wish there was a sexier method of creating the sections, I have 6 table.insert and it feels ugly :(