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embed an image that's embedded in a website

Get help with creating, editing & fixing problems with skins
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Joined: April 6th, 2018, 9:58 am

Re: embed an image that's embedded in a website

Post by nivram »

I have 3 monitors and I really like the effect of having one image on all three monitors. Combined they're actually larger than 5424 pixels, but just by a bit. There's no resizing, but ImageCrop seems to help a ton with the frame rate drop. Maybe the windows manager was having issues with an image that large going so far off the bottom of the screen. Much better now.

If I'm going to be downloading the files as 1.jpg to 5.jpg I'm not going to worry about deleting them. It was only an issue if they were accumulating.

I've also set it to ping pong instead of loop which I like a bit more.

The last bit of trouble I'm dealing with is that ever since setting ImageCrop whenever I refresh the skin it resets the location of the image to be on the middle (main) screen instead of my left screen. Any insight into that?

I'm working on setting up variables and stuff so that other people could use the skin so maybe look for that in the future :D