I figure it a best of in terms of trying to bring attention to the bug regarding a skin's transparent display.
Believe me, I know. Speaking as a Linux-only user within the last two years, I have became rather frustrated from time to time knowing there isn't a native Linux port of Rainmeter. I am unsure of the complications that would present themselves in having to create said port, but I have always figured there to be some way that something could be operable, mayhaps with limited ability. No matter the lack of it's native nature, Rainmeter under WINE has the potential to be a viable option for those requesting it.sgtevmckay wrote:I only suggest Conky as an interim, and to frustrate Linux users to program something better
The largest problem I have personally seen, besides the transparency issue and gdiplus issue already mentioned [feasibly: worked around], is the amount of slowdown when displaying Rainmeter's default System skin. All other skins, even the default skins, appear to work fine (minus Compiz virtual desktops confusing Rainmeter's placement, presumably fixable w/ Compiz-specific options - Kwin doesn't have this issue to my knowledge.)