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AllInOneMediaPlayer Updated to V1.1.0

Posted: February 9th, 2018, 5:43 am
by CyberTheWorm
Changed player checking to case insensitive. Thanks eclectic-tech for the suggestion :17good

AllInOneMediaPlayer V1.0.0

Varients 16 band visulizer and no visulaizer

Album art
- Displays a picture of the album cover art
- Song title, hover if track name is too long
- Band name, hover if band name is too long
- Album name, hover if album name is too long
16 band visualizer
- If you don't like this change to no viusualzer skin
- current/total track (click to go back 5%) and % of track played (Click to go forward 5%)
- Song progress bar (click on bar to goto that position, not working with spotify yet)
- Volume bars for system and player volume (click to adjust, player volume not working on spotify)
- Volume % (left click to mute system volume, mouse scroll to adjust 5% up or down, player volume adjust not working on spotify)
Player controls
- Right click on Stop to close player, right click on Play to open player (does not open Windows Media Player)
- Shuffle/Repeat show status only for Spotify, do not work with Windows Media Player
Media player icon
- Click to change type of player or adjust player location. Need to refresh skin after changing/saving file. (Default locations in file)

Bugs (Working on these)
- Progress bar when first starting skin or doing a refresh goes to end almost immediatley, after playing 1 song to the end works correctly after that
- Volume player bar not working at all, mouse scroll on % does not work, does display correct volume numbers but with 7 decimal places

If you use this for Spotify I suggest getting the latest plugin from .raptor at

Re: AllInOneMediaPlayer Updated to V1.1.0

Posted: February 11th, 2018, 5:16 pm
by CyberTheWorm
Updated to V1.1.0

Changed player checking to case insensitive. Thanks eclectic-tech for the suggestion