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Unicode character codes

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Re: Unicode character codes

Post by jsmorley »

Here is a pattern that does a better job of dealing with hex...

Code: Select all

function Unicode(inString)

	if inString == '' then return end
	newString = string.gsub(inString, '\\u(%x+)', '\[\\x%1\]')
	return newString

Turns out that %x represents any hex digit, a-f, A-F, 0-9. Use that and remove the added space at the end, and then I think we are 99% there.

The only thing that would still fool it is a something like some text\u29and some more text, where 29 ) and 29a ʚ are both valid hex numbers and valid Unicode characters. This Lua will choose the later... I doubt you would ever see that, as the standard for using escapes to encode Unicode in HTML is that it must be followed by a space if the next character is one of a-f, A-F, 0-9.