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Hide part of a graph?

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Re: Hide part of a graph?

Post by jsmorley »

eclectic-tech wrote:Yes, but with the line meter, you will always have a line of "dead space", "GraphStart=Left" would have "dead space" on the right... as you said, a new line meter is the best solution.
Right, just that in some cases, the dead space on the right might look more logical. That is the "future", which is logically an unknown. With the meter tracking from the right to the left, you are in effect showing the "past", which while unknown to Rainmeter, doesn't feel correct somehow.

In any case, the meter is a fixed width. Until it has collected enough data points to fill the width with values, by the nature of things you are going to have some unused space in the meter. The only option would be to "hide" the meter until you have counted enough updates of the measure driving it to fill the meter, then "show" it.