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Request New option on !WriteKeyValue

Posted: April 16th, 2017, 12:02 am
by thohan
I want to ask if there could be a new option on the WriteKeyValue bang where when a value of "" is written there was the option to actually delete the option entirely.
Currently when the LeftMouseUpAction=[!WriteKeyValue ThisSection ThisKeyOption "" "FilePath"] is used a a key line is left in section "ThisSection" that looks like "ThisKeyOption=". This is ok except if there is a meterstyle option in "ThisSection" pointing to a style that has a "ThisKeyOption" key. The Option can never take effect again unless the line is deleted entirely.

What I had in mind was something like this:

[!WriteKeyValue Section Key "Value" FilePath DeleteKey]

where FilePath could be an actual file name or if the current file is to be changed a pair of quotes (if the DeleteKey is be left to the default nothing needs to be entered). DeleteKey could equal to either 1 or 0 with the default being 0 with the current behavior. If DeleteKey is 1 the the line would be deleted leaving a blank line or perhaps deleting the line completely. However this option would only take effect if "Value" were equal to "".

Thank you for your time
