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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by FreeRaider »

jsmorley, I had a look at your lua file and I have a couple of questions:

1) in function Initialize() part, there is a array/table tTopics = {}, where is it used, if it is?
2) there is a round funtion, and It does not appear to be used in another part of script. Am I wrong?

Thank you.
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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by NighthawkSLO »

FreeRaider wrote:jsmorley, I had a look at your lua file and I have a couple of questions:

1) in function Initialize() part, there is a array/table tTopics = {}, where is it used, if it is?
2) there is a round funtion, and It does not appear to be used in another part of script. Am I wrong?

Thank you.
Sometimes you think you'll implement a feature but you get sidetracked or give up on it, but some of it is left behind. The table and function aren't used and can be removed.
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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by jsmorley »

Right. I used that table and the Round() function in an earlier version of this skin, and just never removed them.
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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by FreeRaider »

Thanks to both of you for replying.
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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by eclectic-tech »

Rather than delete it, I used the Round function to modify the ToolTipText bang in the Lua file to show the time of the post rather than the post itself.

Code: Select all

		SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterTitle'..i, 'ToolTipText', Round(tonumber(timeDiff/60))..' Hrs Ago')
And added links to 'New', 'Mine', and 'Watch' meters that take me to those areas of the forum. ;-)

Thanks for sharing jsmorley! :)
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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by jsmorley »

eclectic-tech wrote:Rather than delete it, I used the Round function to modify the ToolTipText bang in the Lua file to show the time of the post rather than the post itself.
"1 Hrs ago" ? Ick... ;-)

Go big or go home!

Code: Select all

function Initialize()
	tAuthors = {}
	tDates = {}
	tLinks = {}
	tTopics = {}
	tTitles = {}
	tWatch = {}
	iNumberToDisplay = SKIN:GetVariable('NumberToDisplay')
	iDoOddEven = tonumber(SKIN:GetVariable('DoOddEven'))
	sEvenColor = SKIN:GetVariable('EvenColor')
	sOddColor = SKIN:GetVariable('OddColor')
	sDeadColor = SKIN:GetVariable('DeadColor')
	iNewMinutes = tonumber(SKIN:GetVariable('NewMinutes'))
	sNewColor = SKIN:GetVariable('NewColor')
	iDoMyName = tonumber(SKIN:GetVariable('DoMyName'))
	sMyName = SKIN:GetVariable('MyName')
	sMyColor = SKIN:GetVariable('MyColor')
	sForumsToWatch = SKIN:GetVariable('ForumsToWatch')
	if not sForumsToWatch then
		sForumsToWatch = ''
		for sWatch in string.gmatch(sForumsToWatch, '[^|]+') do table.insert(tWatch, sWatch) end
		sWatchColor = SKIN:GetVariable('WatchColor')	
	msMeasureRainmeterRSS = SKIN:GetMeasure('MeasureRainmeterRSS')
	sMainTitlePat = '<title>(.-)</title>'
	sMainLinkPat = '.-<link href=\"(.-)\".-<entry>'
	sAuthorPat = '.-<author><name>.-CDATA%[(.-)%]%]></name></author>'
	sDatePat = '.-<updated>(.-)</updated>'
	sLinkPat = '.-<link href=\"(.-)\"'
	sTitlePat = '.-<title type=\"html\">.-CDATA%[(.-)%]%]></title>'

function Update()

	sAllText = msMeasureRainmeterRSS:GetStringValue()

	sMainTitle,	sMainLink, tAuthors[1], tDates[1], tLinks[1], tTitles[1], tAuthors[2], tDates[2], tLinks[2], tTitles[2], tAuthors[3], tDates[3], tLinks[3], tTitles[3], tAuthors[4], tDates[4], tLinks[4], tTitles[4], tAuthors[5], tDates[5], tLinks[5], tTitles[5], tAuthors[6], tDates[6], tLinks[6], tTitles[6], tAuthors[7], tDates[7], tLinks[7], tTitles[7], tAuthors[8], tDates[8], tLinks[8], tTitles[8], tAuthors[9], tDates[9], tLinks[9], tTitles[9], tAuthors[10], tDates[10], tLinks[10], tTitles[10] = string.match(sAllText, sMainTitlePat..sMainLinkPat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat..sAuthorPat..sDatePat..sLinkPat..sTitlePat)
	for i = 1, iNumberToDisplay do
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '&', '&')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '"', '\"')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '&apos;', '\'')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '<', '<')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '>', '>')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '\"', '\'')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '#(.-)#', '#**%1**#')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '%%(.-)%%' , '%%%1')
		-- These settings are used to "shorten" the titles of topics. Use these in any "ForumsToWatch" option in
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Help: Rainmeter Skins', 'Help: Skins')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Rainmeter News', 'News')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Change Announcements', 'Changes')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Site Discussion', 'Site')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Bugs & Feature Suggestions', 'Bugs & Suggestions')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Help: Rainmeter Application', 'Help: Application')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^General Discussion', 'General')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Share Your Creations', 'Share')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Members\' Lounge', 'Lounge')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Other Software & Customization', 'Other')
		tTitles[i] = string.gsub(tTitles[i], '^Developer\'s Forum', 'Developers')

		tLinks[i] = string.gsub(tLinks[i], '&', '&')
		if iDoOddEven == 1 then
			if i % 2 == 0 then --Number is even
				SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterTitle'..i, 'FontColor', sEvenColor)
				SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterTitle'..i, 'FontColor', sOddColor)
		local timeNow = os.time('!*t'))
		local timeItem = TimeStamp(tDates[i])
		local timeDiff = os.difftime(timeNow, timeItem)
		local timeDifferenceFormat = ConvertSeconds(timeDiff)
		if timeDifferenceFormat['mins'] == 1 then minText = "minute" else minText="minutes" end
		if timeDifferenceFormat['hours'] == 1 then	hourText = "hour" else hourText="hours" end
		if timeDifferenceFormat['days'] == 1 then dayText = "day" else dayText="days" end
		if timeDiff <= 86400 then
			if timeDiff < 3600 then
				ageDisplay = timeDifferenceFormat['mins']..' '..minText..' ago'
				ageDisplay = timeDifferenceFormat['hours']..' '..hourText..' '..timeDifferenceFormat['mins']..' '..minText..' ago'
			ageDisplay = timeDifferenceFormat['days']..' '..dayText..' '..timeDifferenceFormat['hours']..' '..hourText..' '..timeDifferenceFormat['mins']..' '..minText..' ago'
		if timeDiff / 60 <= iNewMinutes then
			SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterNew'..i, 'SolidColor', sNewColor)
			SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterNew'..i, 'SolidColor', sDeadColor)
		SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterWatch'..i, 'SolidColor', sDeadColor)
		for _, sWatch in ipairs(tWatch) do 
			if string.match(string.lower(tTitles[i]), string.lower(sWatch)) then
				SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterWatch'..i, 'SolidColor', sWatchColor)
		SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterMy'..i, 'SolidColor', sDeadColor)
		if iDoMyName == 1 then
			if string.upper(tAuthors[i]) == string.upper(sMyName) then
				SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterMy'..i, 'SolidColor', sMyColor)

		SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterTitle'..i, 'ToolTipTitle', tAuthors[i])
		SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterTitle'..i, 'ToolTipText', ageDisplay)
		SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterTitle'..i, 'Text', tTitles[i])
		SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeterTitle'..i, 'LeftMouseUpAction', '['..tLinks[i]..']')
	SKIN:Bang('!UpdateMeter', '*')

function TimeStamp(itemDate)
   -- feed date format: 2015-03-14T15:06:40-05:00

   local year, month, day, hour, min, sec =      
   string.match(itemDate, "(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d)-(%d%d)T(%d%d):(%d%d):(%d%d)")

   local zhours, zminutes = string.match(itemDate, "%d+-%d+-%d+T%d+:%d+:%d+(.-):(%d%d)")

   if not zhours then zhours = 0 end
   if not zminutes then zminutes = 0 end
   local localTime = os.time({year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=min, sec=sec, isdst=false})
   local utcTime = localTime - ((tonumber(zhours)*3600) + (tonumber(zminutes)*60))
   return utcTime


function ConvertSeconds(secondsDiff)
	local daysDiff = (secondsDiff / 86400)
	local daysRemainder = (secondsDiff % 86400)
	local hoursDiff = (daysRemainder / 3600)
	local hoursRemainder = ((secondsDiff - 86400) % 3600)
	local minsDiff = (hoursRemainder / 60)
	local convertedSeconds = {days = math.floor(daysDiff); hours = math.floor(hoursDiff); mins = math.floor(minsDiff)}	
	return convertedSeconds
Edit: Made a mistake...

if timeDiff <= (iNewMinutes / 60) then
if timeDiff / 60 <= iNewMinutes then
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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by eclectic-tech »

Yeah... I hoped you might correct that without me having to! :thumbup: :D
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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by FreeRaider »

Interesting ideas. In my case I used topics to also capture the text of the topic.
The only annoying thing is that the text in the tooltip (author, title and topic) blinks.

Any idea to solve this annoyance?
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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by jsmorley »

FreeRaider wrote:Interesting ideas. In my case I used topics to also capture the text of the topic.
The only annoying thing is that the text in the tooltip (author, title and topic) blinks.

Any idea to solve this annoyance?
You really don't want to put a ton of text in a tooltip. They are updated real-time, and if they have a lot of text they can and will "blink" when they are redrawn by Windows.
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Re: LuaRainRSS

Post by jsmorley »

dvo wrote:why doesn't it work on my comp? getting blank instead of feeds.... damn...
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