^Mumble work great ! thanks, is there any possibilities to search the name in the task manager ? for the process, for a soft that doesnt have a fixe window name, thanks again !
DaSquall wrote:^Mumble work great ! thanks, is there any possibilities to search the name in the task manager ? for the process, for a soft that doesnt have a fixe window name, thanks again !
Not in order to determine if a "window" is minimized or maximized. A window is identified by either the "title" or "class", neither of which has anything more than an indirect relationship to the "process" that created it.
You wouldn't use this addon at all just to determine if a "process" is running. That is a different animal than determining if a "window" is minimized or maximized. For a process, you would use:
yeah that what I use at this moment but that'll be cool if a skin hide itself (or at least be in the background) when a process lost a focus. But thanks for the help !
4.0.0 beta r2627 64-bit (Sep 12 2016)
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (build 7601) Service Pack 1
Path: C:\Users\pferrari\Dropbox\Documents\academico-profissional\3- Acciona\PortableApps\Rainmeter\
IniFile: C:\Users\pferrari\Dropbox\Documents\academico-profissional\3- Acciona\PortableApps\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.ini
SkinPath: C:\Users\pferrari\Dropbox\Documents\academico-profissional\3- Acciona\PortableApps\Rainmeter\Skins\
I have the plugin already
Not sure those errors have anything to do with the plugin. "Invalid Token" is generally an error you get when you have a problem with the clock or clock settings on your PC, and you try to access some websites, in this case probably with WebParser. I think it can also happen if you have some corrupted cache in Internet Explorer and use WebParser.
We would need to see the code for the skin to get much further.