I hate to ask for more since you guys have done such a nice job with "Best" and handling adapter names, but since you've done all the hard work already, how about exposing some additional internal info that Rainmeter must already have?
My first request/suggestion would be to expose the numeric adapter type (referred to as "Type" in the debug log). Not sure if the best place for this is SysInfo or Net, but you'll know the best place I'm sure. If this value was available, you could create network skins that could dynamically reconfigure themselves on the fly. For example, let's say you have a skin that is monitoring a wired network (Ethernet, type=6)... no need to display Wifi stuff in that mode. You unplug and connect to a wireless network... the skin could see that change (type=71) and start displaying the SSID, signal strength, and other WiFi stuff. Actually, the most important numeric values are "71" and "not 71", so instead of the adapter type you could just report 0 for wired and 1 for wireless (or whatever) and that would be fine too, but using the actual number would give folks the most options.
For example:
Code: Select all
Hidden=(([MeasureAdapterType] = 71) ? 0 : 1)