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How to load a skin behind another already active skin?

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Posts: 36
Joined: May 12th, 2012, 3:23 am

How to load a skin behind another already active skin?

Post by Wyld_Goose »

I'm trying to figure out a way to activate or toggle a skin behind another.
For a test, I have a config with 4 sub folders each with a skin with a different color square, 1 through 4. Each has been assigned a Load Order 1 through 4 and when activated together (all are on desktop as well) they load in they in proper order 4 on top of 3, 3 on top of 2, 2 on top of 1. (just the corners are overlapped so I can see) If at this time I refresh square 2, everything stays correct.

It's when I toggle square 2, it turns off, but when toggled back on, it sits above all the squares 1,3 and 4. (supposed to be sitting over 1) I haven't been able to overcome this unless I set it to toggle 2, and then set 3 and 4 to toggle then toggle again in the same command line.

Code: Select all

LeftMouseUpAction=[!ToggleConfig "ALoadOrderTest\2" "2Green.ini"][!ToggleConfig "ALoadOrderTest\3" "3Blue.ini"][!ToggleConfig "ALoadOrderTest\3" "3Blue.ini"][!ToggleConfig "ALoadOrderTest\4" "4Yellow.ini"][!ToggleConfig "ALoadOrderTest\4" "4Yellow.ini"]
This works, but these squares represent skins I don't want skins 3 and 4 to be deactivated then reactivated. It doesn't look right, 3 and 4 blink out then back on and skins 3 and 4 are literally deactivated then reactivated so revert back to their loaded states It's not smooth at all.

The next complex aspect of this test is adding a 2a.ini and 2b.ini skins in the same folder that I would want to "toggle" between. Activateconfig "config" "2b.ini" (2a.ini would automatically deactivate) then Activateconfig "config" "2a.ini" (would automatically deactivate 2b.ini)

The skins load and unload just fine except they load above the rest of the skins they are supposed to be behind.

I'm hoping I have over complicated the issue. Is there a simple way to load a skin behind another active skin?
any ideas?

:edit Oh just add, when I have the "Manage Rainmeter" opened and have 2.ini selected (highlighted), when I toggle 2.ini on and off, it loads in the the proper order behind 3.ini and 4.ini on the screen. But only when I have the manager opened and the skin selected. So it works and I'm just missing aomething
Last edited by Wyld_Goose on June 8th, 2013, 5:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 36
Joined: May 12th, 2012, 3:23 am

Re: How to load a skin behind another already active skin?

Post by Wyld_Goose »

Ahhh Ha!!!!

ok the setup 4 skins running. 1Red.ini, 2Green.ini, 3Blue.ini and 4Yellow.ini.

All are set to Desktop (-2). I want red to be the back most, next to the top green then blue and finally Yellow.

Now I want to !deactivate skin 2Green.ini from a switch, that's easy enough

Now to then Activate 2Green, but have it come back up on top of 1Red, but behind 3Blue and 4Yellow, without having to deactivate then reactivate 3Blue and 4Yellow (cause that looks sloppy and resets anything running with those skins)

LeftMouseUpAction=[!ToggleConfig "ALoadOrderTest\2" "2Green.ini"][!ZPos "-2" "ALoadOrderTest\2" "2Green.ini"][!ZPos "-2" "ALoadOrderTest\1" "1Red.ini"]

The trick is even if all of the skins are set to desktop, and have been loaded in the Load Order you want, when you load a skin at !ZPos "-2" it will be the furthestmost skin.
!ZPos `ing an active skin won't make that skin hiccup or refresh. It just goes on running, but now in the position you just put it depending on what else you may or may not have used !ZPos on as well.

So let's say you wanted to do this with 3Blue instead, where it needs to sit above 1Red and 2Green. you would:

LeftMouseUpAction=[!ToggleConfig "ALoadOrderTest\3" "3Blue.ini"][!ZPos "-2" "ALoadOrderTest\3" "2Blue.ini"][!ZPos "-2" "ALoadOrderTest\2" "2Green.ini"][!ZPos "-2" "ALoadOrderTest\1" "1Red.ini"]

where you want green to be behind blue and red behind green, you !Zpos in the order of the closest to the furthest.

Damn! that solved a year long mystery for me. Hope this helps for someone else.