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WIN 8 /Start Screen CLSID

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WIN 8 /Start Screen CLSID

Post by redcoon »

Already posted in the SKin support

I'm trying to find out the CLSID points to the new Start Screen of Windows 8 , a list CLSID index will be much appreciated as well.

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Re: WIN 8 /Start Screen CLSID

Post by moshi »

i found this site, it has several links to CSLID lists and also a link to a tutorial on how to access the apps screen from a shortcut:
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Re: WIN 8 /Start Screen CLSID

Post by redcoon »

Yea, thanks ,I've seen that already but none of them shows the CLSID for the start screen and many of their CLSID are inaccurate, regedit has a very long list of CLSID ,so maybe someone has tried them already ,I guess
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Re: WIN 8 /Start Screen CLSID

Post by hibryd7 »

I know this thread is ancient but I had a similar problem myself which some kind soul provided a solution for. Running searches through google, this page came up frequently so I'll repost the aforementioned solution for the sake of posterity.

After searching endlessly for clsid keys or shell commands that would go to the start screen and finding neither, an anonymous individual wrote me a vbscript that works perfectly. The script is as follows:

set wShell=wscript.createobject("")
wShell.sendkeys "^{ESC}"
Set WshShell = Nothing

Essentially this code just acts like you've hit the windows button on your keyboard. Put this code into a text file, save it as .vbs and just have rainmeter run the file when your icon is clicked or whatever. It works like a charm. :p Hoho, like a charm! Get it? Cuz its called the charm bar.... so it literally works like a....oh nevermind :?
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Re: WIN 8 /Start Screen CLSID

Post by exper1mental »

You can just use AutoHotKey or AutoIt scripts to open the start menu by emulating the Windows key being pressed.

An AutoIt script as simple as Send("{LWIN}") or Send("{RWIN}") should work.

AutoIt Send Key Reference List

As for a Windows Start Screen CLSID, there's one for the folder but no one has found one for the menu itself.

CLSID List Links:
List of valid KNOWNFOLDERID (CLSID/GUID) Shortcuts
List of valid CLSID Key (GUID) Shortcuts