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UPDATE: Win8 Aero Color Matching & TopProcess.dll Sanitizing

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UPDATE: Win8 Aero Color Matching & TopProcess.dll Sanitizing

Post by DollarD »

EDIT: 2013/06/25 - Updated the Color Matching algorithm. It's accurate now!


Did these two last year, and thought I'd share them. First up, a little skins + script that reads the latest Windows 8 Automatic Aero Color from the registry, and then does a little math and color conversion so that when Rainmeter uses that color, it actually matches.

It's within 1/255 of the actual color. Also, calculates two different contrasting colors for use in the skin as well.

Code: Select all

function Initialize()

	msMeasureW8Color = SKIN:GetMeasure('MeasureW8Color')
	msMeasureW8Balance = SKIN:GetMeasure('MeasureW8ColorBalance')

end -- function Initialize

function Update()

		-- Get data from measures

	DecColor = msMeasureW8Color:GetValue()
	ColorBal = msMeasureW8Balance:GetValue()
		-- Split for Processing
	HexColor = Dec2Hex(DecColor)
	HexRGB = string.sub(HexColor, 3)
	HexAlpha = string.sub(HexColor, 1,2)
		-- Processing
	HexRGB = BalColor(HexRGB, (ColorBal/100), tonumber("0x" .. HexAlpha)/255)
	HexRGBInv = InvColor(HexRGB)
	HexRGBAlt = AltColor(HexRGB)

		-- Save Data	
	SKIN:Bang("!WriteKeyValue Variables WinColor " .. HexRGB .. SKIN:ReplaceVariables(" #IncFile# "))
	SKIN:Bang("!WriteKeyValue Variables WinAlpha " .. HexAlpha .. SKIN:ReplaceVariables(" #IncFile# "))
	SKIN:Bang("!WriteKeyValue Variables InvColor " .. HexRGBInv .. SKIN:ReplaceVariables(" #IncFile# "))
	SKIN:Bang("!WriteKeyValue Variables AltColor " .. HexRGBAlt .. SKIN:ReplaceVariables(" #IncFile# "))

	return 0


function SetVars( Skin )

	if Skin == nil then Skin = " " end
	local Config = Skin
	SKIN:Bang("!SetVariable WinColor " .. HexRGB .. " " .. Config)
	SKIN:Bang("!SetVariable WinAlpha " .. HexAlpha .. " " .. Config)
	SKIN:Bang("!SetVariable InvColor " .. HexRGBInv .. " " .. Config)
	SKIN:Bang("!SetVariable AltColor " .. HexRGBAlt .. " " .. Config)
end  -- SetVars

function Dec2Hex(nValue)
   -- Convert string to number if needed
   if type(nValue) == "string" then
      nValue = String.ToNumber(nValue)
   nHexVal = string.format("%X", nValue)  
   -- Convert number to string
   sHexVal = nHexVal..""
   return sHexVal

function InvColor(HexRGBString)

	local R = tonumber( "0x" .. string.sub(HexRGBString, 1,2) ) / 255
	local G = tonumber( "0x" .. string.sub(HexRGBString, 3,4) ) / 255
	local B = tonumber( "0x" .. string.sub(HexRGBString, 5,6) ) / 255
	-- print("RGB: " .. R .. " " .. G .. " " .. B)
	-- RGB to HSV
    local H,S,V, Delta
    local MAX = math.max(R, G, B)
    local MIN = math.min(R, G, B)
	V = MAX
	Delta = MAX - MIN
	if MAX ~= 0 then
		S = Delta / MAX
		if MAX == R then
			H = (G - B) / Delta
		elseif MAX == G then
			H = 2 + (B - R) / Delta
			H = 4 + (R - G) / Delta
		S, H = 0, -1
	H = H * 60
	if H < 0 then H = H + 360 end
	-- print("HSV: " .. H .. " " .. S .. " " .. V)
	-- HSV Invert
	H = (H + 180) % 360
	S = 1 - S
	V = 1 - V	
	-- HSV to RGB
	local Hi = math.floor(H/60)
	local H = H / 60
    local f = H - Hi
    local p = V * (1-S)
    local q = V * (1-f*S)
    local t = V * (1-(1-f)*S)
    if Hi == 0 then
        R = V 
        G = t 
        B = p
    elseif Hi == 1 then
        R = q 
        G = V 
        B = p
    elseif Hi == 2 then
        R = p 
        G = V 
        B = t
    elseif Hi == 3 then
        R = p 
        G = q 
        B = V
    elseif Hi == 4 then
        R = t 
        G = p 
        B = V
    elseif Hi == 5 then
        R = V 
        G = p 
        B = q
    R =  math.floor(R * 255)
    G = math.floor(G * 255)
    B =  math.floor(B * 255)
	-- print("InvRGB: " .. R .. " " .. G .. " " .. B)
	-- And back
	local HexR = string.format("%02X", R) .. ""
	local HexG = string.format("%02X", G) .. ""
	local HexB = string.format("%02X", B) .. ""
	return HexR .. HexG .. HexB


function AltColor(HexRGBString)

	local R = tonumber( "0x" .. string.sub(HexRGBString, 1,2) )
	local G = tonumber( "0x" .. string.sub(HexRGBString, 3,4) )
	local B = tonumber( "0x" .. string.sub(HexRGBString, 5,6) )
	-- print("RGB: " .. R .. " " .. G .. " " .. B)
    R =  math.floor((R + 127) % 256)
    G = math.floor((G + 127) % 256)
    B =  math.floor((B + 127) % 256)
	-- print("AltRGB: " .. R .. " " .. G .. " " .. B)
	-- And back
	local HexR = string.format("%02X", R) .. ""
	local HexG = string.format("%02X", G) .. ""
	local HexB = string.format("%02X", B) .. ""
	return HexR .. HexG .. HexB


function BalColor(HexRGBString, Balance, Alpha)

	local R = tonumber( "0x" .. string.sub(HexRGBString, 1,2) )
	local G = tonumber( "0x" .. string.sub(HexRGBString, 3,4) )
	local B = tonumber( "0x" .. string.sub(HexRGBString, 5,6) )
	-- print("RGB: " .. R .. " " .. G .. " " .. B)
    R =  math.floor(( (R * (Balance)) + (218 * (1 - Balance)) ) % 256)
    G =  math.floor(( (G * (Balance)) + (218 * (1 - Balance)) ) % 256)
    B =  math.floor(( (B * (Balance)) + (218 * (1 - Balance)) ) % 256)
	-- print("BalRGB: " .. R .. " " .. G .. " " .. B)
	-- And back
	local HexR = string.format("%02X", R) .. ""
	local HexG = string.format("%02X", G) .. ""
	local HexB = string.format("%02X", B) .. ""
	return HexR .. HexG .. HexB

Secondly, a little script that takes the output from TopProcess.dll and renames the process' exe to something a bit more people readable.

It adds new exe files to the .inc file if there are unknowns for you to edit to taste. Uses the ReadIni script I found here for that.

Code: Select all

function Initialize()

	msMeasureCPU = SKIN:GetMeasure("MeasureCPUProcs")
	msMeasureMem = SKIN:GetMeasure("MeasureMemProcs")
	sIncPath = SKIN:GetVariable("CURRENTPATH") .. ""
	tProcessName = ReadIni(sIncPath)
	sSectionName = "ProcessName"

end -- function Initialize

function Update()

	-- Get data from measures

	local sCPU = msMeasureCPU:GetStringValue()
	local sMem = msMeasureMem:GetStringValue()
	-- Combine for processing

	local sCombined = sCPU .. " \n" .. sMem .. " "
	-- Checking for new processes
	for sProcessName in sCombined:gmatch("N%:%s(.-)%#?%d?%d?") do
		if tProcessName[sProcessName:gsub("%s","")] == nil then
			tProcessName[sProcessName:gsub("%s","")] = sProcessName
			WriteIni(sIncPath,sSectionName,sProcessName:gsub("%s","")," " .. sProcessName .. " ")
			print("Added new process " .. sProcessName .. " to INC file")

	local sCombined = sCombined:gsub("(.-)%#?%d?%d?%s", tProcessName )
	-- Split back into variables
	local sCPUProcs = sCombined:gsub("%[M%a%:.-%]","")
	local sCPUProcsP = sCPUProcs:gsub("%[CN%:.-%]","\n")
	local sCPUProcsN = sCPUProcs:gsub("%[CC%:.-%]","\n")
	sCPUProcsP = sCPUProcsP:gsub("(%[%a%a%:)(.-)(%])","| %2")
	sCPUProcsN = sCPUProcsN:gsub("(%[%a%a%:)(.-)(%])","| %2")
	sCPUProcsP = sCPUProcsP:gsub("\n","")
	sCPUProcsP = sCPUProcsP:gsub("%s","")
	sCPUProcsN = sCPUProcsN:gsub("\n","")
	sCPUProcsP = sCPUProcsP:gsub("|","\n")
	sCPUProcsN = sCPUProcsN:gsub("|","\n")

	local sMemProcs = sCombined:gsub("%[C%a%:.-%]","")
	local sMemProcsP = sMemProcs:gsub("%[MN%:.-%]","")
	local sMemProcsN = sMemProcs:gsub("%[MC%:.-%]","")
	sMemProcsP = sMemProcsP:gsub("(%[%a%a%:)(.-)(%]) ","%2|")
	sMemProcsN = sMemProcsN:gsub("(%[%a%a%:)(.-)(%]) ","%2|")
	sMemProcsP = sMemProcsP:gsub("\n","")
	sMemProcsP = sMemProcsP:gsub("%s","")
	sMemProcsN = sMemProcsN:gsub("\n","")
	sMemProcsN = sMemProcsN:gsub("%s%s","")
	sMemProcsP = sMemProcsP:gsub("|","\n")
	sMemProcsN = sMemProcsN:gsub("|","\n")	
	-- Import into Rainmeter

	SKIN:Bang("!SetVariable CPUProcsN \"" .. sCPUProcsN .. "\"")
	SKIN:Bang("!SetVariable CPUProcsP \"" .. sCPUProcsP .. "\"")
	SKIN:Bang("!SetVariable MemProcsN \"" .. sMemProcsN .. "\"")
	SKIN:Bang("!SetVariable MemProcsP \"" .. sMemProcsP .. "\"")
end -- function Update

function ReadIni(filename)
  local f =,'r')
  if not f then return nil, print("ReadIni: Can't open file: "..filename) end
  local line_counter=0
  local tablename = {}
  local section
  for fline in f:lines() do
    -- Ignore leading and trailing spaces
    local line = fline:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$")
    -- Ignore comments
    if not line:match("^[%;#]") and #line > 0 then
      -- Check for [Section]
     local sec = line:match("^%[(.*)%]$")
      if sec then
        section = sec
--        if not tablename[section] then tablename[section]={} end
        -- parse Key=Value
        local key, value = line:match("([^=]*)%=(.*)")
        -- Remove white space from Key=Value
        key = key:match("^%s*(%S*)%s*$")
        value = value:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$")
        -- Check for error
        if not (key and value) then return nil, print('Error bad key or value in file:'.. filename..': '.. line_counter.."\n line:".. fline) end
      -- Set Section/Key/Value in table
        if section then
			if not tablename[key] then tablename[key]=value end
 --       if not tablename[key][value] then tablename[key][value]={} end
  return tablename
  end -- function ReadIni
  function WriteIni(file,section,key,value)
   local hFile=io.input(file,'r')
   if not io.type(hFile)=='file' then
      print('Cannot open file: '..file)
      local NewText=string.gsub(Text,
            if string.match(a,'\n%s-'..key..'%s-=') then
               a=(string.match(a,'(.+)\n$') or '')..'\n'..key..'='..value..'\n'
            return '['..section..']'..a
end -- function WriteIni
Also, uses the Color Matching skin's inc file as source for colors, so they kinda fit together.

Hope this helps someone in the same way this board helped me make these.

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