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BigPond Usage Meter

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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by MarkB4 »

Just tried that and windows won't let me install it. Message is 'Setup has detected the Service Pack version is newer than the update.' There is no need to install update.' And I then can't.

A search for scripten.exe finds nothing. A search for Script 5.7 finds node4.html in Grokking the Gimp.

Any other suggestions?
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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by kanine »

MarkB4 wrote:Any other suggestions?
Do you see something like the attached pic when you go into Open With option in Explorer?
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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by MarkB4 »

I've been through that and the 'Other Programs' then browsed the programs and opened most beginning with Microsoft and still nothing. A bit of a mystery?
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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by kanine »

MarkB4 wrote:A bit of a mystery?
Sure is... I'm guessing you've already done this but try googling "vbs missing file association" it seems to pull up a few useful threads.

You can also try typing this at the command prompt:


see what that says then try

cscript //H:WScript

See if that takes you forward.
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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by MarkB4 »

While I remember, here's what I just did. I tried opening the command prompt but nothing would type and it would close automatically before I could finish typing anyway. I did a search and downloaded a fix for VBS file associations from : Don't know if it did anything.

I noticed while the command prompt was open the path in the title bar is to CSript.exe in System 32 at Windows in C: And the first line read (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7 So I found that in Explorer and opened BigPondUsage.vbs with it.

I got a command prompt window that closed automatically in a few seconds. I don't know if that has fixed the problem because I have had two openings of the file in Notepad, as updates of the usage meter.

I'll get back if anything changes/moves. Probably tomorrow.


From here :

I also went into the file Properties and changed it to open with 'Microsoft (R) Console Based Script Host'. Then, just to finish the instructions there, I went into System 32 and double clicked CSript.exe again. Can't do any harm, right. :)


A few hours later and the file is no longer opening in Notepad. What is happening is the command prompt is opening around the 15 minute update period, then closes automatically. The Usage Meter isn't updating anything but the time.
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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by kanine »

You shouldn't be seeing the DOS windows.

Try this

Start > Run...


cscript //H:WScript

That should set the script engine to use WScript by default (which won't put up a DOS window).
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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by MarkB4 »

Have done that and this below is what I got. Looks to have worked.

Any idea what the problem was to start with? Maybe something I did?

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Mark>cscript//H:WScript
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

The default script host is now set to "wscript.exe".

C:\Documents and Settings\Mark>

* Will get back with update. I trust this is helpful to someone besides me.

Thanks for your help K.


Update : Meter is updating and is still opening and closing a DOS window every time. Will restart later and see.
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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by kanine »

MarkB4 wrote:Any idea what the problem was to start with? Maybe something I did?
No idea, nothing related to Rainmeter, more of a Windows config thing. I've seen it happen a long time ago. But you shouldn't be seeing a DOS window opening, maybe that will correct itself with a restart...
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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by MarkB4 »

Restarted and Dos Window still opening with Rainmeter opening and BPUsage update.
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Re: BigPond Usage Meter

Post by kanine »

Not sure how to specifically solve your issue but it looks like you've somehow formed an association to cscript.exe, when it really needs to be to wscript.exe.

cscript.exe runs script in a DOS window
wscript.exe does not

Try creating the association again, this time try these steps:

Right Click and .vbs file in Explorer
Open With > Choose Program...
Select the file c:\windows\system32\wscript.exe
Tick the Always use this program checkbox and OK

Hope that helps.