This "meter" would copy all of the keys and values of the meter preceding it, excepting any that are explicitly omitted or redefined. In this example, [CopyMeter] would be rendered as a String meter with all of [OriginalMeter]'s properties - color, size, style, etc. - but would have a new Y position, and would not be anti-aliased or right-aligned.
So how would you define it? Just by leaving out "Meter="? That seems prone to error (ie: i've done it before by accident). Perhaps use "Meter=COPY". This would be useful though. Especially for those times where you have a dozen (or two) repetitions of the same thing, slightly altered each time.
Alex2539 wrote:So how would you define it? Just by leaving out "Meter="? That seems prone to error (ie: i've done it before by accident). Perhaps use "Meter=COPY". This would be useful though. Especially for those times where you have a dozen (or two) repetitions of the same thing, slightly altered each time.
Well, in the example above I use "Meter=R." The name is arbitrary, of course; the method is the same.
Sorry to drag up an old point, but this could save me a lot of work on something I'm looking at - and, in my opinion, make a lot of skins (particularly reader skins or launcher skins) much easier to read for novices like me.
Is this something that got actioned or added to the list, or was it not taken any further?