The code is included. Take a look for yourself...Pesoen wrote:am i the only one who gets a trojan warning? and warnings about the program trying to connect to the internet?
It is currently October 14th, 2024, 8:21 pm
RainRez 3.0
- Developer
- Posts: 22856
- Joined: April 19th, 2009, 11:02 pm
- Location: Fort Hunt, Virginia, USA
Re: RainRez 3.0
- Posts: 1
- Joined: September 19th, 2017, 7:36 am
Re: RainRez 3.0
Hi jsmorley,
I registered on the forum just to say thanks to you, what a useful thing you did!
A million thanks, really, you're awesome.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
P.D.: Just in case it's a helpful piece of information for you, It couldn't detect my 4K screen resolution (I found a why to trick it though, so it's no problem for me).
I registered on the forum just to say thanks to you, what a useful thing you did!
A million thanks, really, you're awesome.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
P.D.: Just in case it's a helpful piece of information for you, It couldn't detect my 4K screen resolution (I found a why to trick it though, so it's no problem for me).
- Posts: 1
- Joined: October 24th, 2017, 5:09 pm
Re: RainRez 3.0
I would also like to thank jsmorley for creating RainRez and giving us such a great tool. Also thanks to ouned and hello2u for their additions!
There is some issue with RainRez looping the Layout change when it detects some resolution changes. I haven't really been able to determine what triggers this looping to try and find a way to prevent it. It seems to happen when connecting/disconnecting an additional display.
I've made a few tweaks to their source in case it can help anyone else. I'm not a coder, just took what they had already provided (or maybe I didn't understand enough to get it to do what I wanted?) and added some settings you can set in RainRez.cfg:
(Credit to jsmorley, hello2u, and ouned as I just took what I saw in their work and mashed it all into one with some minor tweaks.)
sample RainRez.cfg:
Added compiled files for convenience. Note that neither myself nor the other authors will be held accountable for issues, support, etc. that you may encounter. You can always (and as a best practice, should) compile the source yourselves. Blah blah.
I would also like to thank jsmorley for creating RainRez and giving us such a great tool. Also thanks to ouned and hello2u for their additions!
There is some issue with RainRez looping the Layout change when it detects some resolution changes. I haven't really been able to determine what triggers this looping to try and find a way to prevent it. It seems to happen when connecting/disconnecting an additional display.
I've made a few tweaks to their source in case it can help anyone else. I'm not a coder, just took what they had already provided (or maybe I didn't understand enough to get it to do what I wanted?) and added some settings you can set in RainRez.cfg:
(Credit to jsmorley, hello2u, and ouned as I just took what I saw in their work and mashed it all into one with some minor tweaks.)
Code: Select all
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****
#include <Misc.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include "lib\desktopworkarea.au3"
_Singleton("RainRez", 0)
$ResolutionMethod = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", "ResolutionMethod", "" )
If $ResolutionMethod <> "Native" and $ResolutionMethod <> "Virtual" Then
$ResolutionMethod = "NativeAspect"
Local $OldWidth
Local $OldHeight
Local $OldAspect
GetOldResolution($OldWidth, $OldHeight)
$OldAspectValue = $OldWidth/$OldHeight
$WorkingWidth = _GetworkingAreaWidth()
$WorkingHeight = _GetworkingAreaHeight()
$OldWorkingWidth = _GetworkingAreaWidth()
$OldWorkingHeight = _GetworkingAreaHeight()
$SleepCount = 0
$LayoutToLoad = "Unchanged"
$BattStatus = GetBattery()
$BattOld = $BattStatus
$BattWord = "Plugged in"
If ($BattStatus = 0) Then
$BattWord = "Discharging"
$RainmeterPath = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", "RainmeterPath", "")
If StringRight($RainmeterPath, 1) <> "\" Then
$RainmeterPath = $RainmeterPath & "\"
If not FileExists($RainmeterPath & "Rainmeter.exe") Then
MsgBox(16, "RainRez Error", "Unable to locate " & @CRLF & $RainmeterPath & "Rainmeter.exe" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Ensure you have set RainmeterPath in RainRez.cfg to the location of your Rainmeter executable files." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "This will normally be C:\Program Files\Rainmeter")
If Not ProcessExists("Rainmeter.exe") Then
$DefaultLayout = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", "Default", "" )
$BattLayout = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", "Battery", "" )
$ResLayout = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", $OldWidth & "x" & $OldHeight, "" )
;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "DEBUG (Res Layout)", "Defined ResLayout: " & $ResLayout, 10)
$AspectLayout = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", $OldAspect, "" )
$LayoutMethod = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", "LayoutMethod", "" )
If $LayoutMethod <> "Resolution" and $LayoutMethod <> "Aspect" Then
$LayoutMethod = "Aspect"
If $ResLayout = "" Then
$ResLayout = $DefaultLayout
; $ResLayout = $AspectLayout ; -- If the resolution isn't found in the .cfg file, then fall back to AspectLayout.
If $BattLayout <> "" and $BattStatus = 0 Then
$LayoutToLoad = $BattLayout
ElseIf $LayoutMethod = "Aspect" Then
$LayoutToLoad = $AspectLayout
ElseIf $LayoutMethod = "Resolution" Then
$LayoutToLoad = $ResLayout
$LayoutToLoad = $DefaultLayout
;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "DEBUG (Load Rainmeter, Select Layout)", "Default Layout: " & $DefaultLayout & @CRLF & "Layout Method: " & $LayoutMethod & @CRLF & "Battery Layout: " &$BattLayout & @CRLF & "OldAspect: " & @CRLF & "AspectLayout: " & $AspectLayout & @CRLF & "ResLayout: " & $ResLayout & @CRLF & "LayoutToLoad: " & $LayoutToLoad , 10)
ShellExecute(chr(34) & $RainmeterPath & "Rainmeter.exe" & chr(34), "!LoadLayout " & chr(34) & $LayoutToLoad & chr(34))
$TrayClick = TrayCreateItem("Refresh")
;$TrayClick = TrayCreateItem("Manage RM")
;$TrayClick = TrayCreateItem("Config")
$TrayClick = TrayCreateItem("Exit RainRez")
$TrayClick = TrayCreateItem("Exit Rainmeter")
Local $CurrentWidth
Local $CurrentHeight
Local $CurrentAspect
GetCurrentResolution($CurrentWidth, $CurrentHeight)
$CurrentAspectValue = $CurrentWidth/$CurrentHeight
$WorkingWidth = _GetworkingAreaWidth()
$WorkingHeight = _GetworkingAreaHeight()
; Re-launch Rainmeter if it isn't running.
While 1
$BattStatus = GetBattery()
if ($BattStatus = 0) Then
$BattWord = "Discharging"
$BattWord = "Plugged in"
GetCurrentResolution($CurrentWidth, $CurrentHeight)
$CurrentAspectValue = $CurrentWidth/$CurrentHeight
$WorkingWidth = _GetworkingAreaWidth()
$WorkingHeight = _GetworkingAreaHeight()
If Not ProcessExists("Rainmeter.exe") Then
ShellExecute(chr(34) & $RainmeterPath & "Rainmeter.exe" & chr(34))
If $CurrentWidth <> $OldWidth or $CurrentHeight <> $OldHeight or $BattStatus <> $BattOld Then
$DefaultLayout = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", "Default", "" )
$BattLayout = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", "Battery", "" )
$ResLayout = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", $OldWidth & "x" & $OldHeight, "" )
$AspectLayout = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", $OldAspect, "" )
$LayoutMethod = IniRead("RainRez.cfg", "RainRez", "LayoutMethod", "" )
If $LayoutMethod <> "Resolution" and $LayoutMethod <> "Aspect" Then
$LayoutMethod = "Aspect"
If $ResLayout = "" Then
$ResLayout = $DefaultLayout
If $BattLayout <> "" and $BattStatus = 0 Then
$LayoutToLoad = $BattLayout
ElseIf $LayoutMethod = "Aspect" Then
$LayoutToLoad = $AspectLayout
ElseIf $LayoutMethod = "Resolution" Then
$LayoutToLoad = $ResLayout
$LayoutToLoad = $DefaultLayout
ShellExecute(chr(34) & $RainmeterPath & "Rainmeter.exe" & chr(34), "!LoadLayout " & chr(34) & $LayoutToLoad & chr(34))
ShellExecute(chr(34) & $RainmeterPath & "Rainmeter.exe" & chr(34), "!RefreshApp")
$OldHeight = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics($SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN)
$OldWidth = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics($SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN)
$OldWorkingWidth = _GetworkingAreaWidth()
$OldWorkingHeight = _GetworkingAreaHeight()
$BattOld = GetBattery()
If $WorkingWidth <> $OldWorkingWidth or $WorkingHeight <> $OldWorkingHeight Then
$OldWorkingWidth = _GetworkingAreaWidth()
$OldWorkingHeight = _GetworkingAreaHeight()
;Func OpenConfig()
; ShellExecute(chr(34) & "RainRez.cfg" & chr(34))
; EndFunc
;Func OpenSkins()
; ShellExecute(chr(34) & $RainmeterPath & "Rainmeter.exe" & chr(34), "!Manage skins")
;Func OpenLayouts()
; ShellExecute(chr(34) & $RainmeterPath & "Rainmeter.exe" & chr(34), "!Manage layouts")
Func Refresh()
ShellExecute(chr(34) & $RainmeterPath & "Rainmeter.exe" & chr(34), "!RefreshApp")
Func UpdateToolTip()
TraySetToolTip("RainRez" & @CRLF & "Layout: " & $LayoutToLoad & @CRLF & "Working Area: " & _GetworkingAreaWidth() & "x" & _GetworkingAreaHeight() & @CRLF & "Resolution: " & $CurrentWidth & "x" & $CurrentHeight & @CRLF & "Aspect Ratio: " & $CurrentAspect & @CRLF & "Power/Battery: " & $BattWord)
Func GetBattery()
;Thanks to PsaltyDS for the script I used as a reference (
$struct = DllStructCreate("ubyte;ubyte;ubyte;ubyte;ulong;ulong")
$call = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetSystemPowerStatus", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($struct))
If @error Then
Return -1
If Not $call[0] Then
Return -1
Return DllStructGetData($struct, 1)
Func GetOldResolution(ByRef $OldWidth, ByRef $OldHeight)
If $ResolutionMethod = "Virtual" Then
$OldWidth = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics($SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN)
$OldHeight = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics($SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN)
ElseIf $ResolutionMethod = "Native" Then
$OldWidth = @DesktopWidth
$OldHeight = @DesktopHeight
$OldWidth = @DesktopWidth
$OldHeight = @DesktopHeight
Func GetCurrentResolution(ByRef $CurrentWidth, ByRef $CurrentHeight)
If $ResolutionMethod = "Virtual" Then
$CurrentWidth = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics($SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN)
$CurrentHeight = _WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics($SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN)
ElseIf $ResolutionMethod = "Native" Then
$CurrentWidth = @DesktopWidth
$CurrentHeight = @DesktopHeight
$CurrentWidth = @DesktopWidth
$CurrentHeight = @DesktopHeight
Func GetOldAspect(ByRef $OldAspect)
If $OldAspectValue > "1.3334" Then
$OldAspect = "Wide"
$OldAspect = "Standard"
Func GetCurrentAspect(ByRef $CurrentAspect)
If $CurrentAspectValue > "1.3334" Then
$CurrentAspect = "Wide"
$CurrentAspect = "Standard"
Func ExitRainmeter()
ShellExecute(chr(34) & $RainmeterPath & "Tools\nircmd.exe" & chr(34), "killprocess Rainmeter.exe" & chr(34))
Func ExitRainRez()
EndFunc ;StartRainmeter
sample RainRez.cfg:
Code: Select all
; ^-- Native / Virtual
; Native/Virtual will determine how the resolution
; is calculated, using either the Native resolution, or the Virtual resolution.
; Resolution/Aspect will set the layout selection method
; using either the detected resolutions (based on ResolutionMethod),
; or by determining if the aspect ratio is Wide or Standard, then load the
; layout as defined in the .CFG for Wide/Standard aspect settings respectively,
; or load the resolution layout. If a layout for the resolution is not defined
; in the .CFG, we fall back to use the defined Default layout.
; (if the numberator divided by denominator > 1.3334 then
; it's considered a wide aspect ratio)
Added compiled files for convenience. Note that neither myself nor the other authors will be held accountable for issues, support, etc. that you may encounter. You can always (and as a best practice, should) compile the source yourselves. Blah blah.
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- Posts: 1
- Joined: August 7th, 2019, 7:15 pm
Re: RainRez 3.0
When trying to edit the .cfg file to set the correct path i cannot save it after. Says i need permission from the owner to open it (when trying to save it, i have already opened it), why is this, and how can i fix it?
- Posts: 34
- Joined: July 30th, 2019, 7:37 am
Re: RainRez 3.0
Try setting permissions of the file to administrator or take ownership of the folder to save it. (Some pc files require system permissions to work) With admin setting you are able to change what you like, but some programs may not work properly after. So when your done, switch permissions back to the default setting. *Merely a security measure*
- Posts: 27
- Joined: April 9th, 2021, 5:15 pm
Re: RainRez 3.0
When trying to run Rainrez.exe from the Task Scheduler, it always gives a "Unable to locate \Rainmeter.exe" error. Yes, I've set the RainmeterPath="C:\Program Files\Rainmeter" in cfg. And when I run Rainrez.exe manually, it works fine with no error. Why is this?
When trying to run Rainrez.exe from the Task Scheduler, it always gives a "Unable to locate \Rainmeter.exe" error. Yes, I've set the RainmeterPath="C:\Program Files\Rainmeter" in cfg. And when I run Rainrez.exe manually, it works fine with no error. Why is this?
- Rainmeter Sage
- Posts: 2746
- Joined: March 23rd, 2015, 5:26 pm
Re: RainRez 3.0
I don't mean to answer your question with a question (sorry!), but is there any particular reason why you are using a scheduled task to start RainRez instead of using the suggestion given in the next to last paragraph in the initial post (i.e., run RainRez when you start your machine instead of Rainmeter).teiji wrote: ↑January 10th, 2023, 12:56 am Hello,
When trying to run Rainrez.exe from the Task Scheduler, it always gives a "Unable to locate \Rainmeter.exe" error. Yes, I've set the RainmeterPath="C:\Program Files\Rainmeter" in cfg. And when I run Rainrez.exe manually, it works fine with no error. Why is this?
- Posts: 27
- Joined: April 9th, 2021, 5:15 pm
Re: RainRez 3.0
I notice whenever Rainrez/Rainmeter autostart with my PC, some of my skins doesn't work correctly (the ones with plugins and depending on 3rd party software like HWINFO/Afterburner). But if I refresh the skin afterward, it works like normal. So I want to delay Rainrez and Rainmeter from autostart by 1-2min, so those 3rd party software load first and then Rainmeter+Rainrez can run after.SilverAzide wrote: ↑January 10th, 2023, 3:05 am I don't mean to answer your question with a question (sorry!), but is there any particular reason why you are using a scheduled task to start RainRez instead of using the suggestion given in the next to last paragraph in the initial post (i.e., run RainRez when you start your machine instead of Rainmeter).
- Rainmeter Sage
- Posts: 2746
- Joined: March 23rd, 2015, 5:26 pm
Re: RainRez 3.0
Ah, I see, that makes sense. (Although the proper fix is the author(s) of the skins you are using should properly handle this situation and not force you to do a refresh once HWiNFO/Afterburner are loaded.)teiji wrote: ↑January 10th, 2023, 3:26 am I notice whenever Rainrez/Rainmeter autostart with my PC, some of my skins doesn't work correctly (the ones with plugins and depending on 3rd party software like HWINFO/Afterburner). But if I refresh the skin afterward, it works like normal. So I want to delay Rainrez and Rainmeter from autostart by 1-2min, so those 3rd party software load first and then Rainmeter+Rainrez can run after.
So it looks like there is a glitch/bug in RainRez where it is not able to find the .cfg file if the current working directory is not the folder where the RainRez executable is installed. When you create a scheduled task, it runs the app without changing the current working directory (which I assume is C:\Windows\System32, but could be anything).
Here's a workaround:
Use File Explorer to navigate to the location where you installed RainRez. Right-click RainRez.exe and from the context menu and select "Create Shortcut". By default, the shortcut you create from doing this should have the "Start in" option set to the folder where the executable is located (you can verify this if you want). Next, edit your scheduled task and change the executable path from "C:\whatever your path is\RainRez.exe" to "C:\whatever your path is\RainRez.lnk". In other words, run the shortcut instead of the executable.
I think this should resolve your issue. Let us know if not. Perhaps jsmorley can release a tweak to fix this glitch someday. Finally, you should know that you can replicate everything that RainRez does by creating a special (and simple) invisible "layout controller" skin that can switch layouts just like RainRez does. You could even add delays for HWiNFO and etc. if you wanted.
- Posts: 27
- Joined: April 9th, 2021, 5:15 pm
Re: RainRez 3.0
Thanks for the replies. Ashamed to say but I'm the author of the skin actually. (I'm still new to Rainmeter coding.)SilverAzide wrote: ↑January 10th, 2023, 5:32 pm Ah, I see, that makes sense. (Although the proper fix is the author(s) of the skins you are using should properly handle this situation and not force you to do a refresh once HWiNFO/Afterburner are loaded.)
So it looks like there is a glitch/bug in RainRez where it is not able to find the .cfg file if the current working directory is not the folder where the RainRez executable is installed. When you create a scheduled task, it runs the app without changing the current working directory (which I assume is C:\Windows\System32, but could be anything).
Here's a workaround:
Use File Explorer to navigate to the location where you installed RainRez. Right-click RainRez.exe and from the context menu and select "Create Shortcut". By default, the shortcut you create from doing this should have the "Start in" option set to the folder where the executable is located (you can verify this if you want). Next, edit your scheduled task and change the executable path from "C:\whatever your path is\RainRez.exe" to "C:\whatever your path is\RainRez.lnk". In other words, run the shortcut instead of the executable.
I think this should resolve your issue. Let us know if not. Perhaps jsmorley can release a tweak to fix this glitch someday. Finally, you should know that you can replicate everything that RainRez does by creating a special (and simple) invisible "layout controller" skin that can switch layouts just like RainRez does. You could even add delays for HWiNFO and etc. if you wanted.
The shortcut method didn't work. It still gives the same error when running the shortcut from Task Scheduler. Maybe I'll make a separate topic to solve my skin issue instead. lol