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[Deprecated] Mouse wheel scroll actions

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Re: [Feature] Mouse wheel scroll actions

Post by MattKing »

killall-q wrote:Holy cow — formulas do work. I didn't find that out before because they don't work if there are any spaces, even inside parentheses. Even stuff like

!RainmeterSetVariable YPos (#YPos#+10)

is OK. So increment/decrement was already there as another easter egg.

I understand about WM_MouseWheel, when the idea came to me I was thinking about how in Opera you have the option to change tabs by scrolling on the tab bar, but Opera is a single window program and already has focus.

I had actually just changed stuff around to implement the Set Variable formula stuff but it was already there! Good thing you mentioned this.

To be able to use a formula in a !RainmeterSetVariable bang you have to use it like:

Code: Select all

!RainmeterSetVariable variable "([SomeMeasure] + #variable# + 10)"
You need parenthesis as far as I know and have quotation marks allows for spaces in the formula.
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Re: [Deprecated] Mouse wheel scroll actions

Post by wasky1 »

The mouse wheel scroll thingy would be exellent if there was...

because then you could have the roll of the mouse wheel move meters until an action is applied ie [!RainmeterHideMeter SomeMeter]

or is there allready away to moniter the X Y position of a meter.. Im not sure. please reply if you know.
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Re: [Deprecated] Mouse wheel scroll actions

Post by killall-q »

That would be a niche application, but... this monitor can be done by having a calc measure trigger something when an incrementing variable X or Y position reaches a value. !RainmeterSetVariable in my testing works instantly (and on a side note, doesn't need DynamicVariables=1 to function) so no matter how fast you clicked that variable should increment reliably and then every update the measure would check if you passed its threshold.