It is currently June 16th, 2024, 3:43 pm

Compiled but missing?

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Joined: November 11th, 2009, 11:43 pm

Re: Compiled but missing?

Post by sinusoid »

Sorry for bumping this, but I've been really hoping for a foobar plugin as well. Judging by the replies it sounds like some of you have managed to get this plugin working. I get the "plugin not found" error as well, and I looked through the thread but I can't figure out how I'm suppoed to get it to work. I saw that it was said this is because leafy needed to compile a 64-bit version since that's what he is running, but I'm running a 32-bit version of vista and i still get the error.
Posts: 1
Joined: November 16th, 2009, 10:19 pm

Re: Compiled but missing?

Post by khios »

sinusoid wrote:Sorry for bumping this, but I've been really hoping for a foobar plugin as well. Judging by the replies it sounds like some of you have managed to get this plugin working. I get the "plugin not found" error as well, and I looked through the thread but I can't figure out how I'm suppoed to get it to work. I saw that it was said this is because leafy needed to compile a 64-bit version since that's what he is running, but I'm running a 32-bit version of vista and i still get the error.
As stated on Enigma theme help page we now got a way to get Winamp integrated plugin to display Foobar2k informations!

Go there and download foo_winamp_spam component and then it will display correct information! Only one bug so far the tracknumber from winamp dont work very well with foobar so it stays at 0 :D

Good luck on the dedicated plugin it will be good to get it to work natively with foobar :)