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Translation Status and Updates

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Translation Status and Updates

Post by RainmeterTeam »

To receive e-mail notifications about new strings, subscribe to this topic.

To check the status of your language, visit your language thread, or go here:

When new strings are available for translation, they will be posted into this thread.

New strings are posted in the following form:
  • String to translate : context - (a brief description)
The context can be: label (explanatory text), menu item, dropdown item, button, checkbox, notification title/text, or messagebox text.

After you have translated the strings, post them to the thread of your language through the link in the list.

If you would like to contribute a translation, click here to learn how. Thanks for your help!
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Re: Translation Status and Updates

Post by Brian »

The following new strings need to be translated for MOST languages:

The following strings are visible on the "Create new skin" dialog.
  • Create new skin : (This string happens in 3 places. In the Manage dialog it shows as a tooltip on the button that launches the new skin dialog. It also appears on the context menu of folders in the Manage dialog. This is also used in the title bar of the create new skin dialog.)
  • New skin : Tab name - (Name of the first tab in the create new skin dialog.)
  • Template : Tab name - (Name of the second tab in the create new skin dialog.)
  • Template... : Button - (Text on a button in the "New skin" tab. This string should be the same as the one above this, with an ellipses at the end.)
  • Add folder : Button - (Text on a button in the "New skin" tab.)
  • Add skin : Button - (Text on a button in the "New skin" tab.)
  • Rename : Context menu - (Text on the context menu of 'new' bolded folders/files in the tree.)
  • Save new template : GroupBox - (Name of first groupbox on the "Template" tab.)
  • Saved templates : Groupbox - (Name of second groupbox on the "Template" tab.)
  • Use default template : Drop down menu item - (First item on the menu when the "Template..." button is pressed on the "New skin" tab.)

The following strings pop up in a message box when some error happens or something is about to be deleted. The percent-encoded parts will be replaced by the name of the folder/file or error code that is in error. Please ignore these percent encoded parts and any newline characters (\n) and quotes when translating.
  • Could not create folder: %1 : Message box text - (Error in creating a folder.)
  • Could not create file: %1 : Message box text - (Error in creating a file.)
  • The folder ""%1"" already exists. : Message box text - (Folder already exists.)
  • The file ""%1"" already exists. : Message box text - (File already exists.)
  • The folder ""%1"" could not be renamed.\nError code: %2 : Message box text - (Folder cannot be renamed.)
  • The file ""%1"" could not be renamed.\nError code: %2 : Message box text - (File cannot be renamed.)
  • Are you sure you want to delete this folder?\n%1 : Message box text - (This pops up when a folder is about to be deleted.)
  • Are you sure you want to delete this file?\n%1 : Message box text - (This pops up when a file is about to be deleted.)
  • Unable to delete the folder:\n%1 : Message box text - (Error in deleting folder.)
  • Unable to delete the file:\n%1 : Message box text - (Error in deleting file.)
  • The template ""%1"" does not exist.\nDo you want to use the default template instead? : (This pops up when the selected template in the "Template..." drop down menu is pointing to a invalid template file. It asks the user if they want to use the default template to create the file. If no, no file is created. If yes, the default template is used to create the file.)
  • Template ""%1"" already exists. : Message box text - (This pops up when the name of the new template about to be saved has the same name as a template that already exists.)
  • Unable to create template folder. : Message box text - (The template folder cannot be created.)
  • Unable to create template file: %1 : Message box text - (The template file cannot be created.)
  • Are you sure you want to delete the template ""%1""? : Message box text - (This pops up when a template file is about to be deleted.)
The following languages are getting out-dated quickly. If these languages do not get current, we may have to remove them.

Listed are the missing strings. Please review the .h/.nsh for any other missing translations. (Don't forget about the strings above.)
  • Japanese :
    • Favorites
    • No favorites defined
    • Custom skin actions
    • Favorite
  • SerbianCyrillic :
    • Favorites
    • No favorites defined
    • Custom skin actions
    • Favorite
  • SerbianLatin :
    • Favorites
    • No favorites defined
    • Custom skin actions
    • Favorite
If you are a github member and are familiar with pull requests, please update your language using a pull request.

Please post the translated strings in the correct topic. Use this list to find the topic for your language.

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Re: Translation Status and Updates

Post by Brian »

The following new strings need to be translated for MOST languages:

The following strings are visible on the "About" dialog.
  • Number : Column header - (Name of the "Number" column header. Also used in the context menu to copy the number value to the clipboard.)
  • String : Column header - (Name of the "String" column header. Also used in the context menu to copy the string value to the clipboard.)
  • External plugins : Group header - (Name of the header for 3rd party plugins group.)
  • Built-in plugins : Group header - (Name of the header for the built-in plugins group.)
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Re: Translation Status and Updates

Post by Brian »

The following new string needs to be translated for MOST languages:

In an effort to notify users when their language is out of date, we will be adding an item to the context menu and the Manage dialog when that specific language is out of date. This message will only appear for those languages that are out of date, and not for languages that are current.

Here is what it will look like:

Please keep in mind the limited space on the context menu and Manage dialog when translating. If you have concerns with space, please post it in your language thread.

New string needing translation:

The following string will be visible on the "Context menu" and "Manage" dialog (if a new update to your language is needed).
  • Language is outdated : Context menu and Manage dialog item - (This will appear at the top of the context menu when right clicking the Rainmeter icon in the system tray area. This will also appear in the Settings tab in the Manage dialog next to the language combo box.)
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Re: Translation Status and Updates

Post by Brian »

The following new strings need to be translated for ALL languages:

NOTE: Double quotes "" and the new line character \n are important! Do not remove or change these!

The following strings are used for the new Game mode tab:
  • Game mode : Manage dialog tab label / Context menu item - Appears on the tab between "Layouts" and "Settings" on the Manage dialog. This will also appear on main context menu just above the "Exit" item.

  • Start game mode : Context menu item - Appears on the main context menu under the "Game mode" submenu when game mode is NOT enabled.

  • Stop game mode : Context menu item - Appears on the main context menu under the "Game mode" submenu when game mode IS enabled.

  • Full-screen games : Game mode tab checkbox / Context menu item - Appears on the game mode tab as the first checkbox. This also appears on the main context menu under the "Game mode" submenu.

  • Additional process list: : Game mode tab checkbox - Appears on the game mode tab as the second checkbox. Please note the trailing colon :.

  • Additional process list : Context menu item - Appears on the main context menu under the "Game mode" submenu. This is the same string as above WITHOUT a colon.

  • You can also manually start/stop game mode by using the tray icon context menu. Manually starting/stopping game mode will uncheck both the ""Full-screen games"" and ""Additional process list"" checkbox. You must re-enable those items for Rainmeter to start monitoring them again.\n\nClick the ""Help"" button for more information. : Game mode tab information label - Appears on the game mode tab to side of the process list box.

  • On start : Game mode tab button / Context menu submenu label - Appears on the game mode tab on a button just under the process list box. Also appears on the main context menu game mode submenu as a submenu label.

  • On stop : Game mode tab button / Context menu submenu label - Appears on the game mode tab on a button just under the "On start" button. Also appears on the main context menu game mode submenu as a submenu label.

  • Select the action to perform when starting/stopping game mode. ""On start"" can unload all skins or load a layout. ""On stop"" can reload the current layout or another layout. : Game mode tab information label - Appears on the game mode tab next to the "On..." buttons.

  • Unload all skins : First item on "OnStart" button submenu / Context menu item on "OnStart" submenu

  • Load current layout : First item on "OnStop" button submenu / Context menu item on "OnStop" submenu

These strings are used on the Rainmeter safe start message box:
  • Rainmeter Safe Start : Message box title

  • This will unload all skins and start Rainmeter with the default ""illustro"" skins.\n\nYour current layout will be saved as: @Backup\n\nUse this if you are having trouble starting Rainmeter.\n\nEnter Rainmeter Safe Start? : Message box message

Other new strings:
  • Use hardware acceleration : Checkbox label - Appears on the Settings tab in the Manage dialog.

  • Measure : Context menu item - Appears on a context menu on the About dialog "Skins" tab when right clicking on a measure item.

  • This change requires Rainmeter to be restarted.\n\nWould you like to restart Rainmeter now? : Message box message - Appears on a message box when the "Use hardware acceleration" checkbox has been changed.

Please post the translated strings in the correct topic. Use this list to find the topic for your language.

Thank you!

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Re: Translation Status and Updates

Post by Brian »

It's time again to update some "new" strings. ALL languages need to be updated (except Japanese and Russian).

All these new strings deal with the automatic updating feature.

This string appears on the Manage dialog:
  • Automatically install updates: Label on Settings tab - Appears on the Settings tab between "Check for updates" and "Disable dragging" on the Manage dialog.

These strings appear mainly as desktop Notifications:
  • Install new version: Notification text / Context menu - Appears as the Notification "header" and also on the Context menu above "Manage".
  • Restart Rainmeter to install version: %1: Notification text - Appears on the Notification. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THE %1 portion of the string. Note: Since this string is used on the Notification only, length is not a big issue.

Please post the translated strings in the correct topic. Use this list to find the topic for your language.

Thank you!
