There were several reports about this as well:
When deactivating an inactive skin, Rainmeter shows: !DeactivateConfig: "illustro\Clock" not active
When sending bangs to an inactive skin, Rainmeter shows: !UpdateMeter: Skin "illustro\Clock" not found
These two log messages are confusing and inconsistent because:
- !DeactivateConfig: "illustro\Clock" not active → By not active the log means the skin is not running. However, when you try to deactivate a skin that does NOT exist then the error will be again not active. But when you try to activate a skin that does not exist it will show again not active. Logically, if a skin does not exist, then the warning should show not found instead of not active. But there is a confusion with not found too.
- !UpdateMeter: Skin "illustro\Clock" not found → By not found the log can imply that the config does not exist, but in reality it does exist. For example, when you try using !WriteKeyValue to write into a file that does not exist - it will show that the file is not found: !WriteKeyValue: File not found: E:\Rainmeter\Skins\illustro\Block\Clock.ini. But when you try to update a skin that is not running but does exist - it will show not found too. So, two different cases but the same wording.
I explored other cases and found some more inconsistencies:
- - deactivate inactive config: [!DeactivateConfig "illustro\Clock"] → !DeactivateConfig: "illustro\Clock" not active
- deactivate inexisting config: [!DeactivateConfig "illustro\Block"] → !DeactivateConfig: "illustro\Block" not active
- activate inexisting config: [!ActivateConfig "illustro\Block"] → !ActivateConfig: Invalid parameters
- activate inexisting skin: [!ActivateConfig "illustro\Clock" "Block.ini"] → !ActivateConfig: Invalid parameters
- activate active skin: [!ActivateConfig "illustro\Clock" "Clock.ini"] → !ActivateConfig: "illustro\Clock" already active
- activate active config: [!ActivateConfig "illustro\Clock"] → Nothing
- toggle inexisting config: [!ToggleConfig "illustro\Block"] → !ActivateConfig: Invalid parameters (why !ActivateConfig if it is !ToggleConfig?)
- toggle inexisting skin within inactive skin: [!ToggleConfig "illustro\Clock" "Block.ini"] → !ActivateConfig: Invalid parameters
- toggle inexisting skin within active config: [!ToggleConfig "illustro\Clock" "Block.ini"] → Deactivates the active skin if the config exists!
- send bang to inactive config: [!SetOption meterDay FontSize "20" "illustro\Clock\"] → !SetOption: Skin "illustro\Clock" not found
- send bang to inactive skin: [!SetOption meterDay FontSize "20" "illustro\Clock\" "Clock.ini"] → !SetOption: Skin "illustro\Clock" not found
- send bang to inexisting config: [!SetOption meterDay FontSize "20" "illustro\Block\"] → !SetOption: Skin "illustro\Block\" not found
- send bang to inexisting skin within inactive config: [!SetOption meterDay FontSize "20" "illustro\Clock\" "Block.ini"] → !SetOption: Skin "illustro\Clock\" not found
- send bang to inexisting skin within active config: [!SetOption meterDay FontSize "20" "illustro\Clock\" "Block.ini"] → Sends bang to the active skin if the config exists!
The following steps could be taken to resolve the inconsistencies and make the logs better:
1. The hardest part: Make Rainmeter actually verify if a config folder or skin file actually exist.
2. Then, make the wordings to be consistent. Make it clear when a config/skin is "not active" and when it is "not found".
3. Make "not active" to be a Notice because if a skin/config exists but is inactive, there is nothing wrong. But make "not found" to be an Error because if a specified config/skin does not exist, there is something indeed wrong.
And only then, additionally, there could be a skin-level option that would let you hide the "not active" errors. For example in a skin's [Rainmeter] section it could be something like WarnOnNotFoundConfig=0.
Overall, if Rainmeter learns whether a file or config actually exist, it will be able to judge better whether something is a fatal error or not, and provide a better logs.
What do you think?
Rainmeter (64-bit)
Language: English (1033)
Build time: 2022-03-23 15:23:40
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (build 7601) Service Pack 1 - English (1033)
Path: C:\Program Files\Rainmeter\
SkinPath: E:\Custo\Rainmeter\Skins\
SettingsPath: C:\Users\Focus\AppData\Roaming\Rainmeter\
IniFile: C:\Users\Focus\AppData\Roaming\Rainmeter\Rainmeter.ini