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Assign Wallpaper to Specific Monitor

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Assign Wallpaper to Specific Monitor

Post by DryLightning »

Hi All! Rainmeter n00b here. I am trying to write an application that rotates the wallpaper of a specific monitor in my three screen Windows 10 monitor configuration. I can change the wallpaper through Rainmeter, but when I run the command it changes ALL the monitors. Is there a way to isolate it to just one monitor?
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Re: Assign Wallpaper to Specific Monitor

Post by jsmorley »

I don't know of a way. Certainly not with the built-in !SetWallpaper bang in Rainmeter. Perhaps there is some external utility that can set a distinct wallpaper on each monitor using the command line, which you might be able to do with Rainmeter, but I don't know of any such off the top of my head.
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Re: Assign Wallpaper to Specific Monitor

Post by DryLightning »

Would there be a way to fake it by creating a skin module that covered the entire screen of said monitor and just changing out the image of that? If i did that i assume if anything got put on the desktop I wouldn't be able to see it because it would cover it?
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Re: Assign Wallpaper to Specific Monitor

Post by jsmorley »

DryLightning wrote: July 10th, 2019, 2:52 pm Would there be a way to fake it by creating a skin module that covered the entire screen of said monitor and just changing out the image of that? If i did that i assume if anything got put on the desktop I wouldn't be able to see it because it would cover it?
Yeah, Rainmeter skins would always be in front of any icons or shortcuts on the desktop.
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Re: Assign Wallpaper to Specific Monitor

Post by rainmeister »

If you don't mind installing PS module FP.SetWallpaper , here is a simple approach:

In Powershell:

Code: Select all

Install-Module -Name FP.SetWallpaper
# Print monitors
# 3 monitors and I wanted to set wallpaper only on 3rd so it was last in the list
Get-Monitor | Select-Object -Last 1 | Set-WallPaper -Path C:\MyGallery\img_01.jpg
If the above does the desired effect for you then implement with something like the following .ini:

Code: Select all

OnRefreshAction=[!CommandMeasure MeasureScript "Initialize()"]

myWidth=(#height#*2 + 10)
myHeight=(#height#*2 + 10)


Parameter=-Command "Get-Monitor | Select-Object -Last 1 | Set-WallPaper -Path 'C:\MyGallery\img_01.jpg'"

; To work properly Rainmeter needs one meter , put whatever you want
And this would be the SwitchWallpaper.lua script :

Code: Select all

-- Initialize function, sets up the initial values and reads currentIndex from a file
function Initialize()
    currentIndex = 1  -- Initialize the currentIndex to 1
    imageCount = 10  -- Total number of images available

    -- Open the file 'currentIndex.txt' in read mode
    local file ="currentIndex.txt"), "r")
    if file then
        -- If the file exists, read the content and convert it to a number
        currentIndex = tonumber(file:read("*all"))
        file:close()  -- Close the file after reading
        -- If the file does not exist, set currentIndex to 1
        currentIndex = 1

-- Update function, increments the currentIndex and updates the desktop background wallpaper
function Update()
    -- Increment currentIndex and loop back to 1 if it exceeds imageCount
    currentIndex = (currentIndex % imageCount) + 1
    -- Generate the new image path based on the updated currentIndex
    local newImagePath = SKIN:ReplaceVariables("#CURRENTPATH#img_" .. string.format("%02d", currentIndex) .. ".jpg")
    SetDesktopBackground(newImagePath)  -- Set the new desktop background

    -- Open the file 'currentIndex.txt' in write mode to save the updated currentIndex
    local file ="currentIndex.txt"), "w")
    file:write(tostring(currentIndex))  -- Write the currentIndex to the file
    file:close()  -- Close the file after writing

-- Function to set the desktop background using a PowerShell command
function SetDesktopBackground(imagePath)
    -- Prepare the PowerShell command to set the desktop background
    local psCommand = 'Get-Monitor | Select-Object -Last 1 | Set-WallPaper -Path \'' .. imagePath .. '\''
    -- Execute the PowerShell command using SKIN:Bang
    SKIN:Bang('!SetOption', 'MeasureRunPowerShell', 'Parameter', '-Command "' .. psCommand .. '"')
    SKIN:Bang('!CommandMeasure', 'MeasureRunPowerShell', 'Run')
Last edited by Yincognito on June 6th, 2024, 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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