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HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges 4.5 [Colorable Gauges!]

Skins that monitor system information
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Joined: December 14th, 2023, 8:58 pm

Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 2.0 Version]

Post by DRedshirt »

RicardoTM wrote: December 14th, 2023, 10:25 pm Hey, that's weird. Please right click on the gauge, go to rainmeter then about. While in log tab, try to open the list and see if there is any error. Then copy and paste that error here.
Alright I cleared the log, opened up GaugeSelection.ini, picked the GPU gauge, and it threw this error:
!ActivateConfig: Invalid parameters (ResizableGauges\Tutorial\GaugeSelection.ini)

Double clicked on the GPU gauge and it threw a warning:

!DeactivateConfig: "ResizableGauges\Gauges\GPU-List" not active

Double clicked again and got another warning:

!ActivateConfig: "ResizableGauges\Gauges\GPU-List" already active (ResizableGauges\Gauges\GPU-List\GPU-List.ini)

Similar results for the other 3 gauges as well.
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 2.0 Version]

Post by DRedshirt »

Quick update:

I managed to fix it by closing all skins associated with Resizable Gauges and then opening the GPU gauge without the tutorial. I went back to the tutorial to see if the problem only occurs when a gauge is opened through it but now they work. Is there perhaps a variable stored somewhere that's used to track the current state of the list? This seems remarkably similar to what happens in state machines when certain bits have fallen out of sync with the rest of the circuit.

Edit: GaugeSelection.ini does still throw that same !ActivateConfig error though
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 2.0 Version]

Post by RicardoTM »

DRedshirt wrote: December 15th, 2023, 1:49 am Quick update:

I managed to fix it by closing all skins associated with Resizable Gauges and then opening the GPU gauge without the tutorial. I went back to the tutorial to see if the problem only occurs when a gauge is opened through it but now they work. Is there perhaps a variable stored somewhere that's used to track the current state of the list? This seems remarkably similar to what happens in state machines when certain bits have fallen out of sync with the rest of the circuit.

Edit: GaugeSelection.ini does still throw that same !ActivateConfig error though

The ActivateConfig/DeactivateConfig error is actually a warning that the ActiveConfig plugin provides when the list is either active or not. No problem there and it's normal, you may find another one that is when doing changes on the gauge and the lists refreshes but it's not active, so no problem there and that's also normal, it can't refresh what's not loaded.

I changed some variables for this update and re made the whole tutorial, so there are lots of changes from previous versions.

What's not normal is: !ActivateConfig: Invalid parameters (ResizableGauges\Tutorial\GaugeSelection.ini)
I'm thinking it's the ConfigActive=1/0 variable on the settings variable files. It shouldn't have problems tho, I'll do some tests. Glad it works now tho.

That variable starts on 0 with the list closed, then when double click on the gauge happens, it changes to 1 and the list opens. Now if you double click again the gauge it goes back to 0 and the lists closes. That variable is important, if it didn't change from 0 to 1, the list would close everytime the gauge refreshes.

Did you update from a previous version?
The best take is to erase everything from older versions before installing to ensure proper function.

Since I'm doing some major changes, I'll need to do some changes also for next updates, so I advice you go to folder #@#Resources/Settings and backup your sensor settings from Then copy everything from line 18 to line 55 and paste it on a backup text file so next time you can just paste those lines back without having to enter every sensor again, those lines won't change.

Example: from

Code: Select all

;Gauge Title

;Gauge Sensor

;Component Name

;List Line 1

;List Line 2
SensorName1=Clock Speed

;List Line 3
SensorName2=Fan Speed

;List Line 4
SensorName3=Core Utility

;List Line 5
SensorName4=CPU Usage

;List Line 6
SensorName5=Power Draw
And do the same for the other files

Thanks for the bug report. If you have any other problems let me know.
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Joined: December 14th, 2023, 8:58 pm

Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 2.0 Version]

Post by DRedshirt »

RicardoTM wrote: December 15th, 2023, 2:11 am Did you update from a previous version?
The best take is to erase everything from older versions before installing to ensure proper function.
Nope, didn't know about rainmeter until today and this is the first .rmskin I downloaded. Thank you for making it.

If I wanted to run more than the default 4 gauges which would require me to do less searching and editing of files:
creating duplicates of the meter and list folder for a gauge and appending their names (eg. GPU2.ini and GPU2-list.ini),
creating a duplicate of the entire ResizeableGauges package under a different parent folder name (eg. ResizableGuages2)?
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 2.0 Version]

Post by RicardoTM »

DRedshirt wrote: December 15th, 2023, 3:50 am Nope, didn't know about rainmeter until today and this is the first .rmskin I downloaded. Thank you for making it.

If I wanted to run more than the default 4 gauges which would require me to do less searching and editing of files:
creating duplicates of the meter and list folder for a gauge and appending their names (eg. GPU2.ini and GPU2-list.ini),
creating a duplicate of the entire ResizeableGauges package under a different parent folder name (eg. ResizableGuages2)?
Thank you for trying my skin!

Copying the entire skin would cause problems between them.

But it's not that complicated now that I have made some changes. Keep in mind that when you update next time, all new gauges may be wiped.

You need to do these things for a new gauge with its list, settings and customization panels:

We'll create a new "FAN" Gauge

Open ResizableGauges folder, then go to the folder: Gauges

1.-Copy and paste CPU-Gauge and CPU-List folders and rename them to FAN-Gauge and FAN-List

2.-Go in FAN-Gauge folder and change CPU.ini to FAN.ini (same name as the folder) and do the same for CPU-List.ini (inside FAN-List Folder), rename it to FAN-List.ini

3.- Open FAN.ini with Notepad++ and go to the Line 3, it says "Group=CPU", select "CPU" and press Ctrl+H (or go to Search-Replace)

4.Now you are gonna replace CPU for FAN in all the file. To do that you make sure that "Find what: CPU, Replace with: FAN" are correct, check that "Match whole word only" IS NOT checked, and then click on "Replace All", then click Find Next to make sure there is anything called CPU left.

5.- Do the same with FAN-List.ini

6.- Now return to ResizableGauges folder and open RGBCode folder

7.- Clone CPU folder and rename it to FAN, then enter the folder and rename CPURGBCode.ini to FANRGBCode.ini.

8.- Do the same as in point 4,open the file and rename everything called CPU to FAN.

9.-Go back to ResizableGauges folder and open @Resources/Settings

10.- Clone and Rename to, open it and again, rename everything called CPU to FAN

11.- Now we need to create some variables for it, go back to @Resources folder and open "RGB"

12.- Copy everything from line 3 (;;;;;CPU;;;;) to line 59 (just before ;;GPU;;).

13.-Scroll down to the end of the file and paste it, then select CPU and do the same, Ctrl+H, replace with FAN, just make sure "Backward direction" IS NOT checked before you clic on replace all. Then everything from what you selected will be renamed to FAN.

14.- Now Open ""

15.-Scroll down to line 37 (;;;;CPU;;;) and copy from there to line 51, (above ;;;GPU;;;) then scroll to the end of the file and paste it, then rename all of that to FAN (Same as in RGB Code.ini)

You are all set. Now just open rainmeter (RightClick on a gauge - rainmeter - manage) and click on refresh all.

Your new gauge should be there inside ResizableGauges/Gauges/Fan-Gauge/Fan.ini

Double click it to open it. it should now spawn, double click it to make sure the list works and open settings and customizer to check everything is fine, now set everything up.

Now repeat as many times you have time to repeat lol.

I'm planning on making a "Lite" version that only has the gauges, but that won't come soon.
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Joined: January 4th, 2024, 4:57 am

Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 2.0 Version]

Post by absolyst »

Hey there, thanks for the skin, really loving it so far. I was wondering though, is there a way to remove extra lines in the gauge settings? For both CPU and GPU I really just want to display the temp, core clocks, and power draw. But that leaves 3 extra lines that I'm not sure how to get rid of.

Also this is more of a minor thing but is there a way to increase the size of the title box, the one containing "CPU" for example. I want to use the SSD and MOBO gauge to track coolant and ambient temperatures instead, but the words "coolant" and "ambient" get cut off if I try to use them as the titles.
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 2.0 Version]

Post by RicardoTM »

absolyst wrote: January 4th, 2024, 5:01 am Hey there, thanks for the skin, really loving it so far. I was wondering though, is there a way to remove extra lines in the gauge settings? For both CPU and GPU I really just want to display the temp, core clocks, and power draw. But that leaves 3 extra lines that I'm not sure how to get rid of.
Hey there, thanks for trying the skin.

Sure, you can erase them but you'll have to edit the code. So you may wan't to back up the files before you do so.

Right click on the list - Edit Skin.

Every line in the list has a measure [ListLine] and 2 meters [Line] (separator shape) and [mListLine] (Text), you'll have to erase them.

First erase the measures that you don't need. Since you only need 3, you'll erase the other 3. So erase from [ListLine4] to [ListLine6].

Now erase the meters from [mListLine4] to [mListLine6] (there is no [Line6] meter because the last line doesn't have separator).You may also want to erase the [Line3] meter also to erase the last separator.

Now you need to adjust the size of the list.

Go up to [BG] meter and find the first shape line.

Code: Select all

Shape= Rectangle (20*#Scaler1#) ,(0.0*#Scaler1#),(260*#Scaler1#),(299.9*#Scaler1#),(22*#Scaler1#) | Fill RadialGradient Gradient2         | StrokeWidth (0.3*#Scaler1#) | Stroke LinearGradient StrokeGradient
Change the part that says (299.9*#Scaler1#) to something like (180*#Scaler1#) to adjust the size of the list.

Done. Save the file and right click the list - Refresh skin. Repeat for the other gauge. Those lines will still exist on the Settings skin but won't do anything, so you can just let them empty.
absolyst wrote: January 4th, 2024, 5:01 am Also this is more of a minor thing but is there a way to increase the size of the title box, the one containing "CPU" for example. I want to use the SSD and MOBO gauge to track coolant and ambient temperatures instead, but the words "coolant" and "ambient" get cut off if I try to use them as the titles.
No, those are images and can't be edited. You'll have to use something like "COOL" and "AMB".
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Joined: January 4th, 2024, 4:57 am

Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 2.0 Version]

Post by absolyst »

RicardoTM wrote: January 4th, 2024, 5:33 am Hey there, thanks for trying the skin.

Sure, you can erase them but you'll have to edit the code. So you may wan't to back up the files before you do so.

Thanks for the quick reply! Followed all your instructions and now everything looks exactly as I want it to
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Re: HWiNFO | Resizable Gauges [New 2.0 Version]

Post by RicardoTM »

absolyst wrote: January 4th, 2024, 6:29 am Thanks for the quick reply! Followed all your instructions and now everything looks exactly as I want it to
No prob. Happy that helped.
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Post by RicardoTM »

Just a little announcement.

Major changes are coming on Version 3.0.

-Complete code rework and optimization.
Since I wanted to make it easier for the user to add Gauges, I've created a little GaugeCreator tool. To do it I had to optimize everything to make every gauge totally independent. That means that major changes had to be done, especially on variables names and the files structure. Now the users can create as much gauges as they need. The downside is, older versions can cause problems if not deleted before updating. Backup files won't be compatible anymore.

-New functions
Now text react to its number of characters to adjust the size of the sensor value and the gauge title. This means that you can use up to 12 characters to name the gauges, and the gauge can display bigger numbers.

Now the list can be adjusted by dragging in case you need less than the 6 available lines. For now it won't be possible to add lines, but i'm still investigating.

Now the gauges can display units.

The customization panel has changed completely, it is more compact and much more optimized, now colors can also be selected by dragging and the changes are applied instantly.

I'm pretty excited about releasing this version, most of these features were asked for here, so please keep bringing more ideas to the table. Thanks to everyone who has supported this project by trying it and contributing to it.