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Market Prices

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Re: Market Prices

Post by mR.mAC »

What up...

I teach high school business and want to have my students install this. Testing on my machine first. When I change the number of stocks to 11 (or any number > 2), I still only see 2 stocks in the skin. I can edit the DOW and FTSE, just can't add more stocks, even when entering the correct symbols.

Any ideas? Likely a user error, I just need to correct it.

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Re: Market Prices

Post by Mordasius »

Did you change CurrentNumStocks=11 in MarketPrices.ini or change NumberOfStocks=11 in You need to change the NumberOfStocks in Right-Click anywhere on the skin then select -> Edit Stock Symbols to change the NumberOfStocks to be displayed.
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Re: Market Prices

Post by Crick »

Hello, I am discovering rainmeter and the Market Price skin which I really appreciate. I try desperately to put the skin in transparent but without success. I tried to add BackgroundMode=2
SolidColor=0,0,0,1 under [Rainmeter] but without success. I can't find any reference to the background in marketprice.ini I don't understand?
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Re: Market Prices

Post by Mordasius »

Hello there. You first need to open the file (.\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\MarketPrices\@Resources\ ). Go down to line 28 and change ColorBackGround=000000 to something like ColorBackGround=ff000001. The color is in Hex format and the last two digits are the transparency ranging from from 00 to FF.
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Re: Market Prices

Post by Crick »

Thank you very much, I would never have found :] And a big thank you for your skin
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Re: Market Prices

Post by tyguy33 »

Hey Love the market watch tool i got how to expand left to right but is there a way top stretch vertically or change font size overall ?

Thank you in advanced for any help.
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Re: Market Prices

Post by Mordasius »

tyguy33 wrote: May 24th, 2023, 2:20 amis there a way top stretch vertically or change font size overall ?
You'll need to change FontHeight=8 in Skins\MarketPrices\@Resources\ to change the fontsize and RowYspacing=16 to change the skin height.
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Re: Market Prices

Post by lazarusrevives »

Mordasius wrote: February 14th, 2021, 6:18 am finMarketsPic.jpg

This skin has been on Deviant Art for a few years. There has been an increase error reports and requests for modifications in recent times so I've decided to post it here where it is easier to reply with suggestions and snippets.

To get the ball rolling here are some clarifications on the UserAgent string and Symbols

A) UserAgent string --- As of February 2021 it doesn't seem to matter what you have as the UserAgent string. Everything works just fine with whatever you put there but it is best to put something (even "") just to be sure.

B) Symbols --- Find Symbols by going to then entering the stock/index name you want in the search box. When the page opens look in the top-left of the address window and make a note of EXACTLY what comes after if there is a Period (.) after the backslash (/) you MUST include it. or it will not work.

eg. --> Symbol3=.SPX

If there is no period (.) DO NOT add one or it will not work.

eg. --> Symbol4=AAPL

As of January 2022 you can customize the stock/index labels and reduce the width of the first column.
Sorry to necro and bug you. I have zero knowledge of coding, but a strong desire to improve my stock portfolio. How do I make one box of stock symbols? I see what you did in the screen shot, but I can't post a screen shot into the ...I think it is called "ini file"?? What do I put there to make a box that has stocks? I was able to edit the native file that is installed automatically to be transparent and then visible when i hover, but that is all built into the settings. I'm not sure on any technical details. I did find where you can edit skins and it opens up a wordpad file with what appears to be html style coding? I has been about 15-20 years since I tried anything with coding. Do you have a video I could watch to educate myself? I never thought I'd be at this point of technological idiocy, but hey here we are lol. Thank you for any and all help you are willing and able to offer a self-proclaimed noob such as myself.
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Re: Market Prices

Post by lazarusrevives »

Okay here is what I got. I copied the ini file from the second person to comment in this thread... I'm still confused why it is only showing up as #nindex1# and why the box itself is so small. How do I increase the size of the box and add actual stock tickers? Nasdaq, S&P500 and DowJones. I just want a general view of the live markets on my desktop or specific stocks/etfs are fine too I suppose. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Market Prices

Post by SilverAzide »

lazarusrevives wrote: June 25th, 2023, 1:43 am Okay here is what I got. I copied the ini file from the second person to comment in this thread... I'm still confused why it is only showing up as #nindex1# and why the box itself is so small. How do I increase the size of the box and add actual stock tickers? Nasdaq, S&P500 and DowJones. I just want a general view of the live markets on my desktop or specific stocks/etfs are fine too I suppose. Thanks in advance!
Oh my god dude, please stop whatever you are doing; you are making a hash of things. Remove whatever you have done and start over, this is not terribly complicated but it is confusing for noobs I will admit. Just do this:
  1. If you have not done so already, go to the DeviantArt website where this skin is posted and download it from there. DA requires you to join to be able to download stuff. If you don't have a DA account and don't want one, come back here and ask for additional help.
  2. Double-click the .rmskin file you downloaded and install the skin, replacing whatever you have if needed. Be sure to select the option to "load included skins".
  3. When Rainmeter restarts, the MarketPrices skin will appear in the upper left corner of the screen by default. Drag it to wherever you want it. It will show 2 stocks by default (Dow index and FTSE index).
  4. Right-click the skin and select "-> Edit Stock Symbols". A text file will open in Notepad.
  5. At the top of the file, there is a line that reads NumberOfStocks=2. Change the "2" to whatever number of stocks you want to see.
  6. Edit each line that reads Symbol1, Symbol2, Symbol3, etc. and add the symbols you want, as instructed in the file. This means going to and searching for symbols and entering them for each line. These items ("Symbol1", etc.) are called "variables" in Rainmeter. Set the "Label1"/etc value to "-" if you want the stock to show it's normal name; set it to something else if you want a custom name (as shown in the Apple example).
  7. Once you are done editing the text file, save it.
  8. Right-click the skin and select the "Refresh" option.
  9. Sit back and enjoy....
Screenshot 2023-06-24 232543.png

...unless your portfolio looks like this screenshot, in which case my advice to you is to start drinking heavily.
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