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Some useful function in lua

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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by death.crafter »

P.S. not related to toolkit but why don't SKIN object or dofile work if not inside a function block?
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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by Yincognito »

jsmorley wrote: August 22nd, 2021, 1:28 amNo need to duplicate any of the code from the toolkit into the active script.
Yeah, that was what I was thinking as well. If the function will be included in death.crafter's Functions.lua, then having the function again in the script will likely produce either some conflicts, or confusion at best.
death.crafter wrote: August 22nd, 2021, 1:29 amActually I went through smurfier's Lua Calender's lua and thought it might be a good idea to centralize some really useful functions that are used a lot.
I could include Rainmeter docs functions too I guess. Just one dofile and you are ready for some serious automation, without going over to the docs again and again
I was thinking the same thing. :D I was wondering if it would be feasible for the calendar itself to be added, but I reckon there will be too many specifics to take care of in that situation. I'm all for the inclusion of WriteINI snippet in your Functions.lua though. I couldn't fully understand it at the time, but I ended up doing a very similar thing in my savegame editor Lua script. With some more generalized form, I guess it could work as a rudimentary JSON parser as well (which is yet another idea, already implemented by someone somewhere, if I'm not mistaken).
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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by death.crafter »

Yincognito wrote: August 22nd, 2021, 12:27 am This or this seem to disagree... :???:
Oh... I thought of iterating through files and stuff, which us beyond the scope if vanilla lua, given io.popen is not available.

Well, that wouldn't be a commonly useful thing, but I guess I should include it so that its not lost to the flow of time :D

Also thanks for the currentsectionindex function.
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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by jsmorley »

death.crafter wrote: August 22nd, 2021, 1:31 am P.S. not related to toolkit but why don't SKIN object or dofile work if not inside a function block?
Not sure, it's just a "feature" of how we built the "glue" between Lua and Rainmeter.

Best to put the dofile in function Initialize() really. It doesn't have to be there, it can be in some other function, but you want to be sure you are loading it before anything in it is "used", and not loading it repeatedly. No need for that.
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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by death.crafter »

Yincognito wrote: August 22nd, 2021, 1:41 am I'm all for the inclusion of WriteINI snippet in your Functions.lua though. I couldn't fully understand it at the time, but I ended up doing a very similar thing in my savegame editor Lua script. With some more generalized form, I guess it could work as a rudimentary JSON parser as well (which is yet another idea, already implemented by someone somewhere, if I'm not mistaken).
The WriteINI function in the docs is tbh flawed. Why? Because tables in lua can't be iterated in order if not indexed using integers starting from 1. So you end up having a random list of unorderd sections(this matters, a lot) with unordered keys(doesn't matter but looks super weird).

I have my workaround but it needs some setup to be done. If you look at the ReadINI in this one, I have made a table of sections, section order and key order of each section, so you can iterate through them easily when needed. When using my version of WriteINI, you have to create a input table similar to the one ReadINI returns, so that WriteINI can put the things in order.

So, since it needs a little bit of more explanation, I will put it in a separate thread, along with ReadINI.
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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by death.crafter »

jsmorley wrote: August 22nd, 2021, 1:46 am Not sure, it's just a "feature" of how we built the "glue" between Lua and Rainmeter.

Best to put the dofile in function Initialize() really. It doesn't have to be there, it can be in some other function, but you want to be sure you are loading it before anything in it is "used", and not loading it repeatedly. No need for that.
Yup. Well, doesn't really matter much since you can easily create a global variable in lua without a hassle.
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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by Yincognito »

death.crafter wrote: August 22nd, 2021, 1:52 am The WriteINI function in the docs is tbh flawed. Why? Because tables in lua can't be iterated in order if not indexed using integers starting from 1. So you end up having a random list of unorderd sections(this matters, a lot) with unordered keys(doesn't matter but looks super weird).

I have my workaround but it needs some setup to be done. If you look at the ReadINI in this one, I have made a table of sections, section order and key order of each section, so you can iterate through them easily when needed. When using my version of WriteINI, you have to create a input table similar to the one ReadINI returns, so that WriteINI can put the things in order.

So, since it needs a little bit of more explanation, I will put it in a separate thread, along with ReadINI.
Ah, yes, now I remember, I believe I had the same problem when loking at that code. Personally, I used specific table array addressing (i.e. no pairs()), like (posted just for reference, disregard the unknowns in my savegame code):

Code: Select all

function SaveAutosave(outputfile)
  if not decryptedautosave then return true end
  local st = os.clock()
  local lines = {}
  for gi = 1, #items do
    lines[#lines + 1] = ('%s\n{'):format(items[gi][1])
    for ci = 1, #items[gi][2] do
      lines[#lines + 1] = ('%s {'):format(items[gi][2][ci][1])
      for fi = 1, #items[gi][2][ci][2] do
        for vi = 1, #items[gi][2][ci][2][fi][2][1] do
          lines[#lines + 1] = (' %s: %s'):format(items[gi][2][ci][2][fi][1], items[gi][2][ci][2][fi][2][vi][1])
      lines[#lines+1] = ('%s'):format('}\n')
    if gi == #items then lines[#lines+1] = ('%s'):format('}') else lines[#lines+1] = ('%s'):format('}\n') end
  local file = assert(, 'w'), 'ETS2 Autosave Editor: unable to save ' .. outputfile)
  file:write(table.concat(lines, '\n'))
  local et = os.clock()
  print('ETS2 Autosave Editor: saved autosave ' .. outputfile .. ' (' .. #lines .. ' lines)' .. string.format('; time = %.5f', et-st) .. ' s')
  return true
That, if I understood what you said correctly, of course. Only numerical indexing is retrieved in order in Lua, as far as I recall, while for pairs() key order is unspecified.
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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by jsmorley »

This is a little toolkit dofile I put together a long time ago...

Code: Select all

function AddSuffix(num) -- Returns the ordinal suffix for an input number.
	local suffix = ''
	local n = num % 10
	if (num - n) == 10 then
		suffix = 'th'
		suffix = (n == 1 and 'st' or n == 2 and 'nd' or n == 3 and 'rd' or 'th')
	return suffix

function FormatCommas(numVar) -- Formats numbers with commas as the thousands separator.
	local prefix, number, postfix = string.match(numVar, '^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$')
	return prefix..(number:reverse():gsub('(%d%d%d)', '%1,'):reverse())..postfix

function ConvertToHex(color) -- Converts RGB colors to HEX
	local hex = {}
	for rgb in color:gmatch('%d+') do
		table.insert(hex, ('%02X'):format(tonumber(rgb)))
	return table.concat(hex)

function ConvertToRGB(color) -- Converts HEX colors to RGB
	local rgb = {}
	for hex in color:gmatch('..') do
		table.insert(rgb, tonumber(hex, 16))
	return table.concat(rgb, ',')

function ConvertTemp(num, toScale) -- Converts between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
	local outTemp = 0
	if toScale == 'c' then
		outTemp = Round((5 / 9) * (num - 32))
		outTemp = Round((9 / 5) * num + 32)
	return outTemp

function AutoScale(num, idp) -- Autoscales a number and adds the scale prefix.
	local scales = {'B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'}
	local places = idp or 0
	local scale = ""
	local scaled = 0
	for i, v in ipairs(scales) do
		if (num < (1024 ^ i)) or (i == #scales) then
			scale = v
			scaled = Round(num / 1024 ^ (i - 1), places)
	return scaled..' '..scale

function TitleCase(input) -- Capitalizes the first character of a string.
	return (input:gsub('(%S)(%S*)', function(first, rest) return first:upper() .. rest:lower() end))

function SentenceCase(input) -- Capitalizes the first character of each word in a string.
	return (input:gsub('[^.!?]+', function(sentence)
			local space, first, rest = sentence:match('(%s*)(.)(.*)')
			return space .. first:upper() .. rest:lower():gsub("%si([%s'])", ' I%1')

function ParseTwelveHourTime(Hour, Meridiem) -- Takes a number (1-12) and a string ('AM' or 'PM') and returns the equivalent 24-hour figure.
	if (string.upper(Meridiem) == 'AM') and (Hour == 12) then
		Hour = 0
	elseif (string.upper(Meridiem) == 'PM') and (Hour < 12) then
		Hour = Hour + 12
	return Hour

function RightPad(str, len, char) --- Pads string str to length len with character char to the right.
	if char == nil then char = ' ' end
		return str .. string.rep(char, len - #str)

function LeftPad(str, len, char) --- Pads string str to length len with character char to the left
	if char == nil then char = ' ' end
		return string.rep(char, len - #str) .. str
function SplitPath(pathArg, pathBit) -- Splits a full path\filename.ext into component parts.
	path, file, ext = string.match(pathArg, '(.-)([^\\/]-%.?([^%.\\/]*))$')
	if string.upper(pathBit) == 'PATH' then
		return path
	elseif string.upper(pathBit) == 'FILE' then
		return file
	elseif string.upper(pathBit) == 'EXT' then
		return ext
		return 'Invalid component'		

function SplitLine(line, delimiter) -- Separate a string into a table by single character delimiter.
	local tbl = {}
	for word in line:gmatch('[^%' .. delimiter .. ']+') do
		table.insert(tbl, word)
	return tbl

function SortRandom(tableName) -- Sorts a given table into a random order.
	local temp, newTable = {}, {}
	for _, v in pairs(tableName) do
		table.insert(newTable, v)
	while #newTable > 0 do
		table.insert(temp, table.remove(newTable, math.random(1, #newTable)))
	return temp

-- Utility functions

function Round(num, idp) -- Rounds a number to an integer (default) or specified places.
	local mult = 10 ^ (idp or 0)
	if num >= 0 then
		return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
		return math.ceil(num * mult - 0.5) / mult
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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by death.crafter »

jsmorley wrote: August 22nd, 2021, 10:45 am This is a little toolkit dofile I put together a long time ago...

You saved me the trouble of copy pasting docs snippets :D
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Re: Some useful function in lua

Post by smurfier »

Just for posterity's sake, here's my scary math version of the AutoScale function. I'm retyping this by converting an old Rainmeter post in Lua, so bear with me if there are typos.

Code: Select all

function AutoScale(num, idp)
	local scales = {'B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'}
	local scale = (num == 0) ? 1 : math.ceil(math.log(num) / (10 * math.log(2)))
	local scaled = Round((num / 1024 ^ (scale - 1)), idp or 0)
	return scaled .. ' ' .. scales[scale]
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