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RainLexer 2.20.0 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

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RainLexer 2.0.10 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by jsmorley »

Updated to version 2.0.10 to include DragGroup and SelectedColor as keywords.

Download in first post of this thread.
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Re: RainLexer 2.0.10 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by SparkShredder »

Code: Select all

    <UserLang name="Rainmeter uDL" ext="ini inc" udlVersion="2.1">
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            <Keywords name="Keywords3">Accessed ACLine ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION AdvancedCPU AIMP Album Artist AudioLevel AUTH Avg Band BandFreq Bar Bitmap BL Bold BoldItalic Border Both BR BusMultiplier BusSpeed Button C CAD Calc Center CenterBottom CenterCenter CenterTop COMPUTER_NAME CoreTemp Cover CPU CpuName CpuSpeed Created CurrentDesktop Date DesktopCount DesktopName DesktopWallpaper DeviceID DeviceList DeviceName DeviceStatus Dexpot DNS_SERVER DOMAIN_NAME Duration Encryption Error ExtraLarge F Fan FFT FFTFreq File FileCount FileDate FileName FilePath FileSize FileType FileView FL FolderCount FolderInfo FolderPath FolderSize FR FreeDiskSpace GATEWAY_ADDRESS GDI GetCurrentTrackAlbum GetCurrentTrackArtist GetCurrentTrackArtwork GetCurrentTrackBitrate GetCurrentTrackBPM GetCurrentTrackComment GetCurrentTrackComposer GetCurrentTrackEQ GetCurrentTrackGenre GetCurrentTrackKindAsString GetCurrentTrackName GetCurrentTrackRating GetCurrentTrackSampleRate GetCurrentTrackSize GetCurrentTrackTime GetCurrentTrackTrackCount GetCurrentTrackTrackNumber GetCurrentTrackYear GetPlayerPosition GetPlayerPositionPercent GetSoundVolume Handle Histogram HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_DYN_DATA HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA Horizontal HOST_NAME Hz Icon IDLE_TIME Image Info Input InputText INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY IP_ADDRESS Italic iTunes iTunesPlugin K L LAN_CONNECTIVITY Large Left LeftBottom LeftCenter LeftTop LFE Lifetime Line List Load Lower MaxTemperature MediaKey MediaMonkey Medium Memory MHz Modified NetIn NetOut NetTotal NET_MASK None Normal NowPlaying Number NUM_MONITORS OS_BITS OS_VERSION Output Peak Percent PerfMon PHY PhysicalMemory PingPlugin Position PowerPlugin Process Progress Proper Quality Question QuotePlugin R Rating RecycleManager Registry Repeat ResMon Right RightBottom RightCenter RightTop RMS Rotator Roundline Screenshot SCREEN_HEIGHT SCREEN_SIZE SCREEN_WIDTH Script Shadow Shield Shuffle Size SL Small SpeedFanPlugin Spotify SR SSID State Status Status2 String Sub Sum SwapMemory SwitchDesktop SysInfo Temperature Time Title TjMax Upper Uptime USER USER_NAME VDMActive Vertical Vid VirtualDesktops VIRTUAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT VIRTUAL_SCREEN_LEFT VIRTUAL_SCREEN_TOP VIRTUAL_SCREEN_WIDTH VirtuaWin Voltage Volume Warning WebParser WiFiStatus Win7AudioPlugin Winamp Window WindowMessagePlugin WLM WMP WORK_AREA WORK_AREA_HEIGHT WORK_AREA_LEFT WORK_AREA_TOP WORK_AREA_WIDTH Year</Keywords>
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How can I add Folding to this XML style?
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Re: RainLexer 2.0.10 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by jsmorley »

There has been a change to how plugins are handled in the latest 7.6 version of Notepad++.

This will cause RainLexer to stop working for you.

Do NOT upgrade to this version of Notepad++ until we figure this out and get things straightened out.

We should have this figured out shortly.

If you DO upgrade to 7.6 of Notepad++, you can get RainLexer working by:

Currently, with Notepad++ 7.5

The plugin file RainLexer.dll is in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\RainLexer.dll

A supporting .xml file is in

With Notepad++ 7.6 you need to move RainLexer.dll to:


Note that it is "Local" and not "Roaming", and that the .dll goes in a subfolder with the same name as the .dll.

The .xml file can stay were it is...

Close and restart Notepad++, and it should work.
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Re: RainLexer 2.0.10 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by SCR »

Good to know. Thank you for the information.
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Re: RainLexer 2.1.0 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by jsmorley »

I have updated RainLexer to support the new plugin locations in Notepad++ version 7.6.

Be sure to upgrade to version 7.6 of Notepad++ before installing the new version 2.1.0 of RainLexer.

If you do not wish to upgrade Notepad++, you will need to stay on an earlier version of RainLexer.

Notepad++ can be downloaded from

The latest 2.1.0 version of RainLexer can be downloaded from

More information in the first post of this thread.
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Re: RainLexer 2.1.0 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by jsmorley »

Note that some folks may run into issues with this upgrade. Here are some tips on how to get things working clean and smooth...

First, if you are installing Notepad++ for the first time, ignore this post.

If you have been running Notepad++ for some time, one of the things that can (and almost certainly will) happen is that there will be a lot of uneeded, and even harmful, "debris" hanging around from earlier versions. Over the years they have moved where things are stored and what files are used for "settings", and the old stuff is often left behind. This can cause massive problems going forward!

So here is the current layout of where things are with Notepad++ as of version 7.6

The application, 64bit or 32bit depending on what you installed:
C:\Program Files\Notepad++
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++

Settings for the application. Changes you make to styles and such:
This can also be accessed in Explorer with %APPDATA%\Notepad++

The files in this folder that contain the settings you might want to keep and protect, so you don't have to start over are:


Before you start doing anything, make a backup copy of just these settings files. We are going to want to put them back at the end.

.dll executable files for plugins:
This can also be accessed in Explorer with %LOCALAPPDATA%\Notepad++\plugins

If it even exists, there is no need to back up anything in this folder. This is a new folder location as of Notepad++ 7.6.

Ok, now we want to completely uninstall Notepad++. After doing so ensure that the following folders don't exist:
C:\Program Files\Notepad++
C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++

Then install the latest (7.6 as of this writing) version of Notepad++ from

32bit or 64bit is up to you, although be aware that while RainLexer supports either, many other older 3rd-party plugins you might be using may not work, and require an upgrade (if one exists) if you change from using 32bit Notepad++ to 64bit Notepad++.

Then install RainLexer using the instructions in the first post of this thread.

Then copy the settings files you backed up above, back to their original locations in C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++

Start Notepad++ and edit a skin to be sure RainLexer is working and that any changes you made to the style or colors in that, or in Notepad++ in general, are still what you want. They should be.

Note: This should certainly be done, exactly as described above, if you use the Notepad++: Snippets for Rainmeter by eclectic-tech. That will almost certainly cause problems if you are using that, and don't re-install the "Snippets" plugin using the new Plugin Admin tool in Notepad++, AFTER doing a "clean" install of Notepad++.

I can't stress this enough. The entire Plugin Admin functionality is going to just flip out if there are old 3rd-party, or even built-in plugins, left behind in the wrong locations from older versions of Notepad++. It will be a complete mess, and following this guide is the best way to ensure everything runs as it should.
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Re: RainLexer 2.1.1 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by jsmorley »

Updated to version 2.1.1 to include Container keyword.

Download in first post of this thread.

Remember, this requires version 7.6 or later of Notepad++
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Re: RainLexer 2.1.1 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by Yincognito »

I'm not sure if it has been already posted here, but how do you uninstall RainLexer? You know, other than manually deleting the corresponding files in places like C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config and such... And since we're at it, what file(s) should be deleted when manually "uninstalling" RainLexer? I see an XML in the path mentioned above, is that all?

I'm using Obsidian as my Notepad++ theme, and although similar to the Zenburn theme that RainLexer is "compatible" with, I want to avoid changing colors in RainLexer and go with the more visible / contrasting colors from Obsidian.
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Re: RainLexer 2.1.1 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by jsmorley »

Yincognito wrote: December 8th, 2018, 4:02 pm I'm not sure if it has been already posted here, but how do you uninstall RainLexer? You know, other than manually deleting the corresponding files in places like C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config and such... And since we're at it, what file(s) should be deleted when manually "uninstalling" RainLexer? I see an XML in the path mentioned above, is that all?

I'm using Obsidian as my Notepad++ theme, and although similar to the Zenburn theme that RainLexer is "compatible" with, I want to avoid changing colors in RainLexer and go with the more visible / contrasting colors from Obsidian.
There is no "uninstall" that is automatic. If you are running the latest (7.6+) of Notepad++, you just need to delete the following folders / files:


Then restart Notepad++

If you are running an earlier version of Notepad++ / RainLexer, the best advice is just to search for "RainLexer" on your system, and delete anything that is found. It will basically be that one .xml and one .dll.
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Re: RainLexer 2.1.1 (syntax highlighter for Notepad++)

Post by Yincognito »

jsmorley wrote: December 8th, 2018, 4:10 pm There is no "uninstall" that is automatic. If you are running the latest (7.6+) of Notepad++, you just need to delete the following folders / files [...]
Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted to know. Nice plugin though ;-)

1) Just a heads-up, after "uninstalling" RainLexer by deleting those two files you mentioned (Notepad++ 7.6 x64 on Win10x64), the colors for ini files went white (all of them), despite showing up correctly in Notepad++'s Style Configurator. This behavior happens even after reinstalling RainLexer by ticking the Reset Style Settings option - this time, of course, extending to the Rainmeter's .ini and .inc files
2) After more tests, it seems the colors get messed up only for files that were already opened in Notepad++, previously to the uninstall/install process. Basically, if I open the .ini again, it correctly displays colors. Not sure if it's a Notepad++, RainLexer or my "bug".
3) It seems I'll keep using RainLexer, the colors aren't so bad after all :D
Profiles: Rainmeter ProfileDeviantArt ProfileSuites: MYiniMeterSkins: Earth