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Weather not working?

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Re: Weather not working?

Post by jckinncik »

Not working for me either anybody got some good alternatives?
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Re: Weather not working?

Post by jsmorley »

Not that my skin is particularly special or that everyone is going to want that same look-and-feel, but if you look at how I did the RegExp for WXData you will find that it is not terribly hard to get the data you need to support just about any variant of a weather skin you might have or come up with.

Having said that, there is no way to just replace the Yahoo weather feed URL with the feed URL and it's fixed. It's going to take some modifications to your skin to get it working. Hopefully the authors of the more popular weather skins will quickly release new versions if this Yahoo situation turns out to be permanent, but I do encourage folks to dig into this a little and see if they can't fix it themselves. That, at the end of the day, is what Rainmeter is all about.

BTW, if this is permanent, there goes the very last reason for Yahoo to even exist as a company at all for me. It can just go ahead and finish dying...
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Re: Weather not working?

Post by nobodyx01 »

If I only understood the code enough to fix DINAJ2 (beta) & Genteel :/

What would I have to change to fix them anyways? I'm completely lost & quite honestly still a newbie to rainmeter, even after using it for a year or so. All I know how to to is edit for colours, fonts, and occasionally smaller, other stuff
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Re: Weather not working?

Post by jsmorley »

nobodyx01 wrote:If I only understood the code enough to fix DINAJ2 (beta) & Genteel :/

What would I have to change to fix them anyways? I'm completely lost & quite honestly still a newbie to rainmeter, even after using it for a year or so. All I know how to to is edit for colours, fonts, and occasionally smaller, other stuff
Not to pick on you, and this is really intended to make an example of you to be illustrative to others, but why would you think that I or anyone else here knows what DINAJ2 (beta) and / or Genteel are? There are literally hundreds of thousands of skins for Rainmeter out there.

It is possible (although not certain) that someone might want to wade in and help you convert a skin you are using from Yahoo to WXData, but certainly not if they don't have the source for the skin you are using. If you can't either zip it up in such a way that it can be unzipped into Skins and used, and then host it somewhere and post a link, or at a minimum post a link to the deviantART page (or elsewhere) where you got the skin, then nobody is going to be bothered to try and track it down, and be uncertain if they even got the same one you are talking about.
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Re: Weather not working?

Post by moshi »

YQL has had some changes as well

Code: Select all

SELECT * FROM weather.forecast WHERE woeid="550763" and u="c"*%20FROM%20weather.forecast%20WHERE%20woeid%3D"550763"%20and%20u%3D"c"&diagnostics=true
there's a ten days forecast now, but support for metric measures seems to be gone.
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Re: Weather not working?

Post by jsmorley »

moshi wrote:YQL has had some changes as well

Code: Select all

SELECT * FROM weather.forecast WHERE woeid="550763" and u="c"*%20FROM%20weather.forecast%20WHERE%20woeid%3D"550763"%20and%20u%3D"c"&diagnostics=true
there's a ten days forecast now, but support for metric measures seems to be gone.
Moshi, I'm hoping, but not betting the farm, that this is all some temporary glitch while they roll out this OAuth requirement / support for using the YQL query engine, and that they don't intend to have this impact the simple RSS feed. We will see I guess.

On the other hand, even betting on Yahoo to exist as a company a year from now is a long-shot.
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Re: Weather not working?

Post by moshi »

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Re: Weather not working?

Post by jsmorley »

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Re: Weather not working?

Post by moshi »

jsmorley wrote:Moshi, I'm hoping, but not betting the farm, that this is all some temporary glitch while they roll out this OAuth requirement / support for using the YQL query engine, and that they don't intend to have this impact the simple RSS feed. We will see I guess.

On the other hand, even betting on Yahoo to exist as a company a year from now is a long-shot.

i guess the safest bet would be using feeds provided not for the public, but for Apple for example. those will probably be left untouched for a longer time.
i have those for Yahoo! and Accuweather, but will not post here. if someone wants to find them, do some research on old Konfabulator and Dashboard widgets.
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Re: Weather not working?

Post by eclectic-tech »

moshi wrote:here's something for you all:
Thanks moshi! :great: