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Skin Requests

Get help with creating, editing & fixing problems with skins
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Skin Requests

Post by jsmorley »

As Rainmeter grows in popularity, we are finding more and more often that folks come to the forums with an idea for a skin, or some functionality they would like to have in a skin, and more or less post "Can someone make this skin for me?". We want to be clear that the answer to this is "NO, but we are happy to help YOU to make it."

The goal of these forums is to "teach a man to fish", not to "give a man a fish". We have no interest in turning the forums into a "request board", and do not want folks to ask for skins to be made to order, nor for members to offer such.

We have a great community here. There are lots of people who will help you get started with Rainmeter, help you with getting started on writing some particular skin or functionality, and help you debug what you come up with. The point is that you learn to use Rainmeter to make your desktop your own. It's really not hard stuff to get the hang of, and pretty soon YOU will be the one offering help here.