The skin is designed to be as extensible as possible, and includes detailed documentation of the skin code. The skin also includes instructions for integrating the picker into your own suite.
Download latest release (v1.1.0)
Older versions
ColorPickerPlus on GitHub
- Draggable HSB and RGB sliders
- Use the mouse wheel for fine-tuning
- Pick a color from the color spectrum
- Manually input an RGB or HEX color string
- Use the eyedropper tool to pick a color from anywhere on your screen, using the arrow keys for pixel-perfect selection
- Minimize to the corner of your desktop to keep it handy, but unobstrusive
- Copy RGB HSB, or HEX string to clipboard
- Configurable finish action for integrating into a suite
ColorPicker by jsmorley
CursorColor plugin by jsmorley
Mouse plugin by NighthawkSLO
HotKey plugin by Brian
VectorConverter by theAzack9
NirCMD by NirSoft
FontAwesome by FortAwesome
Implementing ColorPickerPlus
If you wish to implement ColorPickerPlus as a color picker for your suite, simply copy the ColorPickerPlus skins folder and place it somewhere in your suite's skins folder. Then create a meter that, when clicked, will activate the skin:
LeftMouseUpAction=[!ActivateConfig "#CURRENTCONFIG#\ColorPickerPlus" "ColorPickerPlus.ini"]
You will also want to configure baseColor and finishAction as well. A common practice might be to set baseColor to the current value of the color you're changing, and set finishAction to write the resulting color into an external .INC file.
Code: Select all
; To incorporate ColorPickerPlus into your suite, you can either change these options directly, or you can use !WriteKeyValue bangs from another skin to change these values.
; This value determines the starting color that will be compared to in the color preview
; This value determines what will happen when you click the "Save" icon. Color values are accessed through inline LUA, using the syntax [&MeasureScript:GetColor('cur_rgb')]. Available colors are:
; 'cur_r', 'cur_g', 'cur_b' - individual rgb components
; 'cur_rgb' - the current RGB string (r,g,b)
; 'cur_hue', 'cur_sat', 'cur_bri' - individual HSB values as floats (0-1)
; 'cur_hsb' - current HSB values as floats (0-1), separated by commas (h,s,l)
; 'disp_hue', 'disp_sat', 'disp_bri' - current HSB values formatted to make sense to humans (degrees for hue, percentage for sat and bri)
; 'disp_hsb' - the previous values formatted into a comma-separated string (deg,%,%)
; 'cur_hex' - the current RGB value in hexadecimal format (FFFFFF)
; There are some other values that you could access, if for some reason you wanted to. To see what colors you can retrieve, study the ColorPickerPlus.lua script.
finishAction=[!WriteKeyValue Variables color1 "[&MeasureScript:GetColor('cur_rgb')]" ""]
v1.1.0 - 2019-05-31
- Added ability to close the eyedropper by pressing escape
- Converted all icons to shape meters
- Removed FontAwesome icon font
- Reduced flickering upon skin refresh
v1.0.0 - 2019-04-14
- Initial release