This absolutely requires Rainmeter 4.1 or later.
- You can simply pick a color from the spectrum image at the top, or use the eyedropper icon to pick a color from anywhere on your screen(s).
- You can then "scrub" any of the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) or HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) values with the mouse wheel to fine tune a color.
- Click anywhere on the RGB or HSB colors to toggle "normal" and "fast" modes for the mouse wheel scrubbing.
- You can click the "copy" icon to copy the RGB, HSB, HEX or Luminance values to the Windows clipboard.
- You can click the "edit" icon to enter or edit a HEX color code.
- You can click the "save" icon to write the selected color to any file you desire, which will likely be some @Include file for your skin(s), and refresh any or all skins you like to see the result in action.
- Middle-click anywhere on the skin to "minimize" it to a small meter in the bottom left of your screen.
ActionsToTake=[!WriteKeyValue Variables MyColor "[#Chosen]" "[#CURRENTPATH]Extra\"][!Refresh "*"]
This skin includes:
- My CursorColor plugin. the 32bit and 64bit .dll's are also included for your own use.
- My HSBLib.lua library for Lua, to convert between RGB and HSB/HSV colors.
- The FontAwesome font for the various icons.
So to use this, you just drop the ColorPicker folder into your skin's folder at any level, and call it with some form of:
LeftMouseUpAction=[!ActivateConfig "#CURRENTCONFIG#\ColorPicker" "ColorPicker.ini"]
Then just edit the ActionsToTake variable in ColorPicker.ini as you like. The long and the short of it is that ActionsToTake should write the color value to some .inc include file, and then refresh the skin(s) that are using the color. That can be one skin or a group or whatever you need.
Code: Select all
; Set ActionsToTake as desired. Just remember that the current RGB color is obtained in the variable [#Chosen]
; Also available to use are:
; [&Lua:curRed] [&Lua:curGreen] [&Lua:curBlue] - the separate red, green, blue RGB color values
; [&Lua:formHue] [&Lua:formSat] [&Lua:formBri] - the separate hue, saturation, brightness HSB values
; [&Lua:curHex] - the HEX value of the RGB color in the form ffffff
Action1=[!WriteKeyValue Variables MyForeground "[#Chosen]" ""][!Refresh "[#ParentConfig]"]
Action2=[!WriteKeyValue Variables MyBackground "[#Chosen]" ""][!Refresh "[#ParentConfig]"]