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NomFerp Plugin

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Re: New PerfMon Plugin

Post by jsmorley »

SilverAzide wrote:Oops, yes, I got things twisted around. Index=0 shows "Total" as the string value of the measure, while Name=_Total returns "_Total" -- which might be an average instead of a total, thank you Microsoft. :)
Yeah, what it comes down to is that the actual monitoring of the many different kinds of resources tracked and stored in PerfLib are based on whatever kind of raw data is appropriate for that resource. Then Microsoft said, "well wait, nobody is going to understand that raw data, we need to turn it into something human-readable when we display it in the perfmon.exe GUI." So there is some value-added processing that is going on under the covers in perfmon.exe, but what that is varies depending on the resource. As far as I can tell, there are no hard-and-fast rules, but rather Microsoft over time has evolved a series of one-off actions to take depending on what the resource is. There likely are some hard-and-fast rules, but the rub is that only perfmon.exe knows when the rule is applied. There is nothing about the data that we can get, in and of itself, that says "use this rule with this".

We may be able to get a better handle on this over time, and better replicate that perfmon.exe is doing for more individual counters using new Alias's, as we do now for Alias=CPU, but in the meantime, there may be a bit of trial-and-error involved. Some combination of Index, Name and Percent should be able to get you there.
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Re: New PerfMon Plugin

Post by jsmorley »

I would actually like to move this discussion out of this thread, which is really about NomFerp, which we no longer recommend. I'll start a new UsageMonitor Discussions thread.