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Vista volume plugin

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Vista volume plugin

Post by neo2606 »

Hi i was looking on the autoit forum for a script and i found this: Vista_vol_plugin
* _GetMasterVolume_Vista()
* Returns master volume level in decibels.
* _GetMasterVolumeScalar_Vista()
* Returns master volume level as a scalar value from 0 to 100.
* _SetMasterVolume_Vista()
* Sets master volume in decibels.
* _SetMasterVolumeScalar_Vista()
* Sets master volume level as a scalar value from 0 to 100.
* _GetVolumeRange_Vista()
* Gets volume decibel range information:
* LevelMinDB = minimum decibel value
* LevelMaxDB = maximum decibel value
* VolumeIncrementDB = decibel increment value
* _IsMute_Vista()
* Gets the mute state.
* _SetMute_Vista()
* Sets the mute state.
* _GetVolumeStepInfo_Vista()
* Gets volume step information:
* nStep = current volume step
* nStepCount = step range; from 0 to nStepCount - 1
* _VolumeStepUp_Vista()
* Increases the volume by 1 step.
* _VolumeStepDown_Vista()
* Decreases the volume by 1 step.
Everything is in the zip file(*.aps*,*.rc*,*.vcproj*,*.cpp*,*.h*,*.sln*,*.suo*...)

Zip file:
If we can use it, i don't know.